The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Haven’t been to vegas in a long time other than a quick trip like 10 years ago and I am scandalized by this change. That’s friggin criminal.

When I was 21 it was frequent drinks and $10, or even $5 (at 3-2 obv), BJ and plenty of service. Double down on any two at the “right” places. (Ie, the type of dodgy places I stayed when in college.)

edit: WTF, “triple zero” roulette. That’s an abomination.

edit 2: here are the criminals:

Updated (4/13/19): Since this story, a number of Las Vegas casinos have introduced triple zero roulette. Las Vegas casinos with triple zero roulette:

Now would be a good time for Vegas to unravel their bullshit and go back to a more player friendly environment for the small timer.

We need to get Trump back running casinos!


The bean counters also did away with 99-cent shrimp cocktails and $2.99 all-you-can-eat buffets. True staples of Vegas in the 1970s.


The food prices in general there are nuts now. Penny wise and pound foolish.


This reminds me. Early 2000s WSOP trip I was staying at the MGM with a couple broke friends for two weeks. Everyday we went across the walk way to Tropicana and played .25 blackjack on the bartop machines and get absolutely wasted there. The machine had a double or nothing feature that was fun to see how high you could get it and actually didn’t have bad rules. I think the record was over 1000 quarters.

After two weeks of this I get home and I have a gold embossed card from the LOL Trop informing me that I had reached their highest level of slot player. I had full RFB, limo transport from the airport, suites, etc. The next time I went to my host’s office after 1 day of play and the host basically asked me if I was ok as their computer showed me down something like $6,000 playing .25 slots. I never really figured it out but I think they did after about the fifth trip. All I could figure was that they weren’t netting out the wins/losses properly or something? Like if I start betting $1.25 and double until I am betting $100 and lose I lost $1.25 but maybe it registered it as a $100 loss.

Regardless it was fun for the 3-4 trips before I got cut off. They had a hibachi restaurant then and I would go and take everyone I could and rack up the largest tabs I could and never paid for any of it.


I’m old enough to remember when people here told me I was crazy not to trust the CDC’s change in guidelines on surface transmission.


Fuck, we’re going to nuke Scotland aren’t we?

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I really miss the late night steak and eggs deal at Bill’s.

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Bill’s was great. Any Boardwalk enthusiasts in here? That place was an epic shithole.

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When the strip properties put in 6-5 blackjack, Bally’s actually advertised it on their marquee like it was something good for players. It was “Now offering 6 to 5 blackjack.” I’m sure they were counting on the fact that people are stupid and would see the bigger numbers and think it paid better.




And if you’ve ever played it, its such a buzzkill that if you hit a black jack, it makes you want to leave the table.

My first experience with 6-5 was sitting down at a table, hitting blackjack first hand, and asking what was up when I got paid on my hand. Dealer explained and I immediately picked up all my chips and left.


(apology for continuing the vegas derail)

I am sure I have told this story many times before. When I was in high school my older brother and I drove out to Vegas. At the time one casino had a huge slot machine in their lobby. It had to be 20 feet tall. Jackpot was like a million dollars (per my faulty memory). I don’t remember which casino it was but people in the thread probably know.

I walked in to the lobby in front of my brother and plopped a silver dollar into the slot machine and pulled the lever. The giant wheels went around and when they stopped all sorts of bells and whistles sounded and colorful lights flashed. I honestly thought we won a million dollars.

Turns out that we only won a smaller jackpot. My memory is fuzzy but I think it was $1,000 or something like that. A guy comes from a back room and I think this is the guy who’s going to give us our money. Unfortunately, he asks which of us put the money in the machine and which of us pulled the lever. I proudly said I did to both questions. He then asked to see my ID and quickly found out that I was only 17.

He marched us into a back room and said that it was illegal to play slots underage. Instead of having me arrested, he offered to comp rooms and meals for the weekend (in lieu of the $1,000 jackpot). To this day I don’t know if he was bluffing about the underage thing, but we quickly accepted his offer of free comps and lived it up for two days.


They represent a threat we can’t deny. Notice how Smacc and Isobel Gowdie are never in the same room together!!!



Lol. Simpler times. But hey, they’re at least confirming what nobody needed further confirmed. But it is now confirmed.

Neil Jacobs, the assistant secretary of commerce for environmental observation and prediction told investigators that he did not refuse to include the part of the statement knocking the NWS Birmingham office because he “definitely felt like our jobs were on the line.”

Very surprised lmao.