The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Jumbo Shrimp.

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I get that I’m responding to a gimmick, but whether or not he gets got is going to depend on how fast Vance can move given the statute of limitations issues and the fact that grand juries are still not even meeting in NYC right now because of the pandemic. If he can move fast enough, and he loses the election in November, I can see him getting indicted in NY and facing charges. If he’’s re-elected though, then yeah, he’s never getting got.

Nah, the Mazars decision could legitimately be what ends Trump up in jail after he’s out of office. As far as Congress eventually getting his tax returns, what fucking impact would that really have at this point? Thousands of people are dying every day. There is literally nothing that could possibly be in his tax returns that is going to convince anyone to not vote for him that wasn’t already not voting for him.


In all the restaurants in which I worked, 86 meant “things we’re out of”.


Lazy citing on my part but just pulled this from Wikipedia:

  • 86 – omit from an order; “hold”[5]

I can see why 86 would mean “out of” as well.

88s - a piano



My first Vegas experience was going to Circus Circus with my grandparents in the early 80s while we were driving across the country to Palm Springs, where they lived. So many memories:

My grandparents were both avid gamblers. Right after we got there, my grandmother took me to a $1 slot machine, put in three coins, and said: “this is why you should never gamble.”
She promptly won $300 on a single pull.

-My grandfather later won about $2,000 playing keno.

-They then led me to the game room, gave me two rolls of quarters, said “see you tomorrow morning,” and went off to gamble through the night.

-They let me drink chocolate milkshakes for breakfast.

Needless to say, it was the greatest experience of my young life up to that point.


White keys only.

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Ehhh… There’s plenty of trumpkins who’s primary reasoning for trumpkinning is “successful businessman billionaire” and if that’s gone a non zero number of them don’t vote at the least.


Plus, the ruling explicitly states a president doesn’t have absolute immunity. Trump’s declarations about Article II are officially bullshit.

That will be very important as soon as it applies to President Biden :eyes:


Same. First learned the term in the 80’s washing dishes in a place that could have been the basis for half the stories in Kitchen Confidential. It was many years later before I ever heard it applied to any other context.

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Vegas used to be so awesome. Early 2000s Vegas was absolute perfection.


I had to get narcotics when I went in for my chest pains.

Fucking terrible. No idea how anybody would want that feeling in their body. It felt like my nerve endings were on fire for the first few minutes after it was administered.


Lol Republicans AGAIN attempt voting fraud and immediately get caught

What changed?

Lol, anyone who still believes that he’s a successful billionaire businessman at this point isn’t going to have their opinions changed by whatever shenanigans are in his tax returns.


Lol what does that even accomplish on behalf of republicans? Oh noes, some democrats won’t get to vote in their primary and will have to vote in the republican primary instead?

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