The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Brad Downey, a Berlin-based American artist…

“I want to know why they did it,” said Downey, who had hoped the statue would foster a dialogue about the political situation in the United States, highlighting Melania Trump’s status as an immigrant married to a president sworn to reduce immigration.

Seems like he needs to dialogue with some Slovenians.

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I’d like to see a good snarky ad that congratulates Trump on reducing immigration and for being savvy enough to recognize that in the end he didn’t even need a wall. Instead, just:

  • Crash the economy! So much for people looking to improve their lot in life…
  • Destroy the environment! That’ll keep out those huddled masses yearning to breath free…
  • Encourage a pandemic! It’s better than an alligator moat!

Trump has the best immigration numbers in years. He deserves credit. In fact, he’s been winning on this issue so much that he’s even got Americans to the point where they’re not allowed in other countries. So much winning!

“America: Racism, Police Brutality, Joblessness, Pollution, Overflowing ICUs…
It’s All Ours Now!”


It would be a good ad …

for @Trolly to poop on!


Would prefer if he didn’t announce that he was subverting the edict. Running these classes is obviously fake bullshit forced by the absurdity of the administration, but you have to pretend you’re doing something legitimate.

Well sure, but it seems obvious to me this guy is just attention whoring.

From today’s Sentinel

This is a pretty big deal for central FL and will materially affect our unemployment numbers. Rosen is the largest hospitality employer in the state. I expect others to follow his lead.

That it hits on July 31st, the day the extra $600/week unemployment benefit expires, will be particularly devastating for those workers. These jobs aren’t coming back anytime soon.

The unemployment number is going up, not down, and if it goes down the next few months I’ll just assume the books are being cooked.

And this shit didn’t have to fucking happen. We could have stayed locked down another month, handed out more generous stimulus payments, and been coming out of it by now with substantially better outcomes. Instead we followed an incompetent clown off a cliff.


The Lincoln Project also going after McConnell, Cruz, Rubio, Ernst, etc.? My brain is so conflicted on how much I should like this group.


Things are going to get really ugly in August. Millions of people will be unable to pay rent/mortgage. Millions of people will be hungry for the first time in their lives. Millions will he unemployed with no money coming in. Nobody knows exactly how they’d react when facing desperation, but we’re about to find out for a very large number of people.

The extra $600 has been an absolute lifesaver. Literally. It is allowing me to stay insured which I need to cover $20k/month medical bills that I’ll have possibly for the rest of my life. It’s allowing me to not default on the $1200/month student loan payments I have that weren’t put on hold. It’s allowing me to not become desperate. And I come from a fairly privileged and secure home with the tools and know how of how to navigate these (unemployment, healthcare, insurance, etc) systems.

August is going to be ugly.

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Surely these people will be satisfied that the Dow Jones is in good shape.


Shit, only 99 more times of you telling us that for it to finally be the 1st time you’re telling us that. Fucking idiot.


A uniquely Trumpy way of writing that


Trump family math comprehension is very good, some are saying its is the best math ever.


This is gonna be a helluva Tweet-thread. (1/100)

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They had bahbahmickey as their tutor when they were kids.

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Oh shit. He’s learned a new phrase.