The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform
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( twitter | raw text )

He really thinks their job is to kill people.


A few more adderalls and he will be droning streets.

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He’s never too busy to tweet. You’d think he’d be in a meeting right now, or something. Maybe doing a little introspection? If Trump could figure out how to be a better President, now might be a good time to do it.

Man, yelling at a celebrity of any kind on a forum to “please die” is not offensive like telling that to a normal person. I mean, telling that to anachronistic is not ok even if understandable. Yelling that at a Trump Twitter not, come on.

I think nobody showing up canceled the summit, not Trump. I suspect after Merkel everyone else bowed out. It was all prearranged because LOL Trump.

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Can’t imagine Cheeto having a problem with a reporter refering to that monster as “Republican Derek Chauvin” when asking a question since it’s so very relevant.

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I’m doing it right now! (Just didn’t think it was post worthy.)

Voter fraud on top of everything would be just chefskiss

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If it is legal we need a couple million people from deep blue states to register to shell vacation homes to swing elections.

What’s the definition of a home? Can someone split the cost of a storage locker with 50 other people and use the address as a residence? Asking for 49 friends…


Has anyone checked if he’s registered to vote in Minnesota?

Wonder if we could do like shell corporations do. Have 100 people use the same address.

How much GOP voting already does this? Philosoraptor feels right here even if wrong.

Every Midwest business owner with enough income to care “moves” to Florida. Without third generation car dealer and real estate do nothings the Naples housing market would instantly collapse.


I was going to copy this to 22 for the lols but thought you might have already.

Would be weird if Florida voter laws allow that, I am going to see what I find.

Seems like it is legal.

Legal residence-Permanent. Legal residency is not defined in law. However, over the years, the courts and the Florida Department of State/Division of Elections’ have construed legal residency to be where a person mentally intends to make his or her permanent residence.1 Evidence of such intent can come from items or activities such as obtaining a Florida driver’s license2, paying tax receipts, paying bills for residency (light, water, garbage service) and receiving mail at address, claiming the property as homestead,3 declaring the county as domicile, and doing other activities indicative or normally associated with home life. Therefore, legal residence is a convergence of intent and fact. Once residency is established for voting purposes, it is presumptively valid or current until evidence shows otherwise. See Op. Atty Gen. Fla. 055-216 (August 26, 1955). A business address is not typically a satisfactory legal residential address but if the person resides there despite the zoning ordinance, the address could become the person’s legal residential address.4

I assume their residency laws are lol because they have always had a very big second home population. The fact that pretty much anyone can vote in Florida elections with a water bill is both scary and amusing. Trump’s own home state.

That is the only reply from an admitted trump supporter in six hours.