The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Yes, he knocked 300 points off the Dow yesterday just by announcing the presser.

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I wish I knew more about how other countries have become dictatorships but this all feels like the steps you need to make it so.

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Step 1 is usually societal unrest and a breakdown of government functions and ability to maintain order. We’ve had worse riots in the past and haven’t gotten there yet, but never paired with this level of governmental dysfunction and incompetence, so maybe this will push us to step 2.


All he has to do is call it a witch hunt perpetuated by the evil democrats and fake news media and his supporters will eat it up because they want it to be true. No one has really figured out how to pierce that bubble yet.

I predict Trump will say at most one, maybe two words about China. Twitter just censored his message on the White House account, too.


C’mon you orange Nazi, shut them down! It’ll be great for you, promise!

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Gotta say props to twitter this takes some balls. Took too long but better late than never.


This presser has a really good chance of going completely off the rails.

What time is the China presser?

Unrelated press conference after publicly calling for a Tiananmen square type massacre at 1am. Gonna be good

This guy gets it. Aggressively so. We need a phrase or abbreviation for this. Like WIM, but for people who just get it. GIM? Yeah, GIM. He gets it more. He’s got GIM.

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I think there is a really good chance a reporter loses it along with him. They have a breaking point, too. If he pushes back with the same kind of insanity as his tweets, someone is going to proudly lose their job.

Narrator can STFU on this one.


If wishing made it so! I hope you are right but wouldn’t bet $1 on it.

Been waiting so long for this.

( twitter | raw text )

I’m happy to see Twitter grew a spine. It’s way too late and will certainly accelerate the insanity, but letting him spew violent propaganda that violated their own TOD for years was getting really infuriating.

Question I want asked: “Why will George Floyd not have died in vain?”
( twitter | raw text )

This made me Google Section 230 and the first article says

US Attorney General William Barr said Thursday that the executive order will not revoke Section 230, but did not further explain how the order would impact it, only saying that social media companies have stretched the meaning of its original intention. The president argued on Thursday that once a platform like Twitter edits content, it “ceases to become a neutral public platform and becomes an editor with a viewpoint.”

So he signed an EO that doesn’t do anything then screams on Twitter for someone to do the thing he didn’t do?

