The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

This is the most perfect analogy I’ve ever seen.


1st amendment doesn’t apply to private enterprise really but expecting fat bloated cheeto head or any of his mouthbreathing supporters to understand that is a fools errand.


They have no reason to understand what the right actually is because they have absolutely no intention of applying the rule consistently. The rule is what you need it to be whenever you feel like invoking it. It is permissive for Trump, but can be wielded aggressively against liberals. Trumps speech is protected by Free Speech, Obama’s speech is treason. Double standards are acceptable, indeed they are desirable, under Trumpism.


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This x 1 million.

I don’t get many opportunities because there are approx zero Trumpkins in my social circles, but I’m always looking for opportunities like this. NBZ’s reply is basically the nut response.

I don’t know if this was covered in that whole Defense Against the Dark Arts thread, but it should be.

Polling now is still a bit off for 2 reasons, 1) not taking third party candidates into account (neither libertarian nor green will get much but it will shave some net votes off biden’s lead) and 2) so much shit will happen between now and november that who knows what the narrative will be. Economy comes back a little and you’ll get 20 trump tweets a day of how much better it is over a few months ago and maybe some people will believe it and well non stop democratic investigations/attacks/arrests (if necessary, doesn’t matter how much BS it is).

dunno if true or not but the reason you’re seeing polls like that is old people are currently polling away from trump. (go figure, based on current polling if trump wins it’s gonna be a different age brackets fault than you’d think)

Amash was running for the Libertarian nomination, right? They nominated someone I hadn’t heard of.

Amash dropped out right before they held those votes. They might not have picked him anyway and they won’t do close to as well as johnson did in 16 but I don’t know what margin we’re dealing with in the end and it’s mostly only because amash is michigan that could’ve had a real impact.

By November Trump will be claiming that everyone thought there would be 10 million deaths and because he closed the border to China early he saved 9 million lives. The media will breathlessly report this as a dispute about the number of lives Trump saved. Barr will announce investigations into Obama and Biden a week before the election. The media will breathlessly report this as a debate on the extent of Obama’s knowledge of the crimes in his administration.

Will it play out exactly like this? Probably not, but I would not expect this election to occur in reality. The US is generally fine to behave like Presidential elections are a game show. They’ve been doing so all of the 21st century and it gets worse each election.

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The President of the United States of America.




100,000 dead, POTUS whining about a magazine with a circulation under 100,000

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and this ashtray


He thinks the NYT is printing the “absolute worst” things they can think of. LOL

Maybe a reporter should ask Trump where he was when Lori Klausutis died. INVESTIGATE?

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well, he’s got a point there, I believe they were both enemies of the working class.

“just say it”? You’re bitching about a magazine you booger eating moron.