The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Donald Trump was a sinner, but he has been forgiven the same as we all have. Is there nothing in your past you’re ashamed of?


Right wing trump supporters are the absolute historic worst at protesting things. They always just shoot themselves in the foot.

I don’t know if you are a practicing Christian or attend church regularly but if your relatives ever hassle you about either it is good to have their stupid Trump argument to throw back.

This is a good point that I considered mentioning. Their religious beliefs as far as politics almost wholly orbit anti abortion.

It is the most ridiculous position, imo, allegedly.

I agree with your point but they know I’m a lapsed Episcopalian and now lazy agnostic who goes on life tilt too often. Since they went full QAnon, I’ve cut contact. Last contact I had was at beginning of Corona times. They were expecting me to poo poo it like all of them are. I laughed and said let’s see what the world looks like in two weeks. I haven’t heard from them since.

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I assume he thinks it’s a hoax

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( twitter | raw text )

Hopefully you can reminisce with him soon.


I absolutely hate when people criticize Trump for not being actually religious, which implies he would deserve support if his religiosity were sincere. This horror show exposes the whole charade; religion is first and foremost an engine of hate, bigotry, abuse of power and grifting - its not an accident they love Trump, he stands for their actual core values!


LOLED at country rocker. Can’t even read the wikipedia for these people can you.


He can read headlines.

I think a working definition of “Evangelical” would be very useful.

They’re no angels, that I can tell you.

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I’m thinking of basically every asshole who claims to be Christian and supports Trump. I don’t care if there is a superior technical definition.

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Stuff like this truly makes me think there is a chance we’re living in some version of national candid camera.

love Kevin Kruse



Her grammar is almost as bad as her father’s.

I swear she’s the Marine Le Pen of America. At some point down the road she will be POTUS.