Sort of grunching here, but I side with the “win the election by encouraging people who don’t normally vote to vote” camp*, and thus his overt appeals to violent racism were absolutely a driving factor.
It is for this reason that I am not as confident as others seem to be, including in the article I copied from Kreative just above, at a Biden victory (let alone a landslide).
According to this poll:
Nearly half of Joe Biden voters, 45%, said they were very or extremely excited to support Biden in the general election, compared to 64% of Trump voters that said they were very or extremely excited to support Trump in November. Nearly a quarter of Biden’s supporters, 26%, said they were not that excited, compared to 15% of Trump voters. Furthermore, 65% of those who voted for Senator Bernie Sanders in the primary season said they were not that excited for Biden.
When voters were asked who they thought would win the presidency in November, regardless of who they supported, 57% said Trump and 43% said Biden.
According to this poll:
Sixty percent (60%) of Likely U.S. Voters say a choice this November between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden is one they are excited about.
By comparison, however, just 41% were excited by a choice between Trump and Hillary Clinton in March 2016.
Republicans (75%) are a lot more enthusiastic about a Trump-Biden matchup than Democrats (57%) and voters not affiliated with either major party (48%) are.
Consider also this:
“On the political left, there’s this feeling that if all nonvoters voted it would benefit them, but the majority of the academic literature that has tried to assess this has found this isn’t the case,” says Eitan Hersh, an associate professor of political science at Tufts University
and later
Like other scholars, their research identified a substantial cohort of would-be Democratic voters who rarely participate in the political process. These “passive liberals” are weakly engaged but progressive on most issues when they are, isolated from “the system” and fatalistic about how it will affect their lives
and remind yourself what Joe Biden represents.
Dow 30k is definitely possible with what is going on with the markets right now. Once they cut off the extra $600 unemployment I imagine we get to single digit unemployment as well. Whether or not that gets him elected is a whole different story though but that outcome by November is certainly plausible.
An anonymous GOP consultant:
the number one issue for 80+% of Republican primary voters was loyalty to Donald Trump. I’m not making that number up,
We are drawing live to a suspended election & emergency executive powers, with zero GOP resistance.
Everybody needs to make sure they have a passport with an expiration date of 2022 at the earliest.
I disagree. A lot of those jobs are never coming back. And I can’t see the Dow going up 4K points in a few months.
But Real Americans are supposed to hate Monarchy. I’m confused.
This does not surprise me. In my view, we are all destined to repeat the cycle of our families of origin–until we are ready and willing to grow beyond that cycle. But that requires first choosing to take an honest view of what the cycle brings to our lives.
Look at Trump. He is ever yearning to escape the cycle of neglect and abuse his father modeled, and yet he engages with his voters in the same dynamic. He lives in perpetual discontent and desperation for validation. He never knew what it meant to be enough simply for being himself. He had to be the biggest winner, the richest businessman, the most tremendous ladies man, all just to get someone’s attention. He is as addicted to validation as any alcoholic who must drink to feel better. That’s the nature of addiction. Any life committed to avoiding pain results in addiction.
Being honest about his limitations only got him more neglect or abuse. He must show strength and win big or it’s like nothing happened. He pushes this same philosophy to his supporters. I believe he does it sincerely. From his perspective, it’s the only way for him and it’s the only way for his supporters to finally know a shred of safety and dignity. They have to win BIG not to break the cycle, but because if he is only willing to live within it, those are the terms for success.
And yet it’s as though he misses entirely that his father using neglect and abuse as management and parenting tools are what created the problems he faces. Not that those tools are inhuman by their very nature, but that his father failed to use them for the right reasons. It’s like he believes yes, obviously those are the right tools, and he will show his father how those tools should have been used all along.
Counterpoint is that it is up 8,000 points in the last 3 months. A lot of stocks are making all time new highs. My personal take is that the stock market is in a massive bubble/detached from reality now but what prevents that from continuing over the next 4 months?
Very disturbing yet unsurprising.
I may not be excited about Joe Biden but I am really excited for a chance to vote against Trump. Sample size: 1.
I mean maybe, but we are about to get hit with a housing crisis. A lot of people are using their unemployment to pay rent. I think things are going to get a lot worse by November. Not this pipe dream of low unemployment.
Yeah I wasn’t being disapproving lol. I can’t think of anyone other than NBZ who is more sick of the high road vs the GOP. I think it’s wartime and we do whatever we need to do to win… and after we win almost everybody on the other side should get a nice long stay at club fed.
Maybe the number of homeless people will double and twice as much will be done about it, ie only a crisis for anyone in the middle of it a tiny number of other people who are involved and sorta barely for some other small number of people who care but aren’t involved.
Probably as an elaborate troll, NBZ is always trying to suggest stuff like literally blowing people up. Is that where you’re at?
I’ve got the passport taken care of. Finding a country to go to is the gating issue atm…