The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I love how he always has to tee off first and then immediately lurches to his cart and drives off.

His playing partners must scramble so hard to try and keep up with him.

Ya LOL golf but there are courtesies and he 100% observes 0% of them, always

That’s because he’s a WINNER, unlike the others who are LOSERS.

And also because it allows him to cheat.

If only Dems had maintained a revolving door of impeachment trials, we could have seen senators vote to acquit after video proof of Trump cheating at golf

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He’s doing this right before going to arlington national cemetery on memorial day. Probably holding up everyone so he could fire off one last tweet before leaving the white house.

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Reminds me of Mr. Burns playing golf

Unsurprising from a guy who made this tweet:


Trump talking shit



I hope some reporter reads him one of his Obama golfs too much tweets next press briefing. This clearly is under his skin.


You guys think anyone showed up for Trump’s birthday party??

I’d say more kettle/pot situation. McSally really does suck. Lol if she can’t win Maricopa county.

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Apparently he always hits first and makes sure his cart is the fastest so he can cheat and move the ball while the others catch up.

Hey Stacey Abrams, you’re not getting VP. Can you please run for one of the GA senate seats, please?

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When it first came out, I skimmed a few pages of Commander in Cheat (entire book dedicated to Trump’s cheating and deceiving at golf) and the lengths he’ll go to cheat and win are banana land.

All the obvious shit like kicking his ball out of a bad lie but also things like calling chips “gimmes” and claiming he’s club champion (With a plaque on the wall!) without ever holding a club championship.

We could do an entire thread on it.


Off they went. At one point, they were playing a blind par 5, and Tirico, who’s a 12.3 handicap, had 230 yards into the green.

He hit the 3-wood of his life. “Oh my god!” his caddy said, open- mouthed. The thing had the flag covered from the start. It crested the hill perfectly and was going to be tight to the pin. Shocked at his sudden skill, Tirico high-fived his caddie and strode toward the green, his shoes barely touching the grass.

But, somehow, when they got there, the ball wasn’t near the pin. It wasn’t even on the green. It was 50 feet left of the pin, in the bunker. Unless it hit a drone and ricocheted sideways, there was no physical way it could’ve ended up there.

“Lousy break,” Trump said to Tirico, who checked the marking on the ball to be sure it was his. It was. Befuddled, it took Tirico two swipes to escape the bunker on the way to a 7.

“Afterwards,” Tirico remembers, “Trump’s caddy came up to me and said, ‘You know that shot you hit on the par 5? It was about 10 feet from the hole. Trump threw it into the bunker. I watched him do it.’”


Trump is basically an even more evil, dumber Commodus.

Well, Abrams most certainly isn’t going to run for the special election seat, considering she endorses one of the candidates. The other one, eh, I doubt it at this point.

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( twitter | raw text )

Obv he cheats at golf but I think my favorite trump related golfing tidbit is how he put a plaque about the civil war at his Virginia course for a battle that never happened.

Last year when I was in Miami for work - the outside counsel we had there invited me to either do some offshore fishing or play Doral. I love golf and not a fan of fishing at all but not a chance I was spending any money that could benefit trump at all.

You mean like if someone was threatening to show it to me unless I paid them?

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He even both-sided the plaque.


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