The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

antifa is the new red scare, I thought.

Honestly, while the ad is shocking, it’s also kind of long and boring. They could have done better with the concept.

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lol all their ads suck and the Lincoln project is just a big grift to take money from idiots


Have any of these ads mentioned Biden once?

was just about to say the same. these ads mean nothing and will have virtually no effect until there is pointed support for biden in them

I was going to make a joke about gun barrels rising, but nm.





The last bastion of ink stained wretches.

“See everyone! The deep state and the swamp are out to get me, they are out to get you! Nword nword nword”


Agreed. While trump has damaged literally everything, I don’t anything has taken a bigger beating than the Republican Party moving towards.

Even if they turn their back on Trump he will still hold sway over a massive part of their voter base.

Someone mentioned the whigs earlier. I would love trump to break off and turn the second party from the Republican Party to the Whig Party.

I haven’t given up on my prediction I made years ago that Trump ends up on something like a 10,000 acre villa in Venezuela after he basically flees. It would be super weird to have an ex-president living abroad but the guy is the biggest asshole in the world so nothing surprises me anymore.

This is of course after Trump and his demon cronies do EVERYTHING they can to fuck this election up. I’m yelling this now, NOTHING IS OFF-LIMITS FOR THE GOP TO FIX THIS ELECTION. Think of anything you can: straight-up murders at polling places to scare people, old man Teddy Ruxpin Barr doing everything he can “legally” to help throw out votes, hiring armed white supremacists to shut down polling places and saying “hey, we needed security”, bombs, paying foreign hackers however much $ they want to completely ruin the computer infrastructure, really anything you can think of. Trump is obviously an absolute idiot but this is end game for him here; if he just accepted the election happening normally and lost there will be all sorts of shit raining down on him and his family. Wait, hold on I guess he could have thugs kidnap and threaten to kill Mother to force Pence to blanket pardon him after he resigns. My only point in this rambling is don’t rule anything out on how they’re going to fuck this election, don’t be surprised by anything.

EDIT: And stop expecting any institution to protect us. I think most people here don’t believe that already. “Someone will do something, there are groups for that” is not a strategy. Like for example I’ll admit I always thought if some horrific deadly virus showed up here in the US there would be a super dramatic scene where the CDC deploys in hazmat suits and choppers and everything is zoned off and wow they take this seriously, we’ve got it together, looks like we’ve got all sorts of plans! It turns out you just need an idiot POTUS who says “fuck it, fuck doing anything” and that’s what happens!


Lololol. That is the best OANN can do?

Afghan officials said prizes of as much as $100,000 per killed soldier were offered for American and coalition targets.

Details of Mr. Azizi’s role in the bounty scheme were confirmed through a dozen interviews that included U.S. and Afghan officials aware of the intelligence and the raids that led to it; his neighbors and friends; and business associates of the middle men


The company that made the first console-like gamepad for the PC.