The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform


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Of course the GOP is going to turn on Trump. They hated him before 2016. That doesn’t magically change. They believe in a hierarchy system but only if it benefits them. The GOP is set up like the mob. They all fight for their place in the pecking order.

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Also where the fuck was this pac in 2016? Did it exist? Where was it spending it’s money?

It’s taking a stand because he’s getting wafflecrushed in the polls lol

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It formally came into existence today.

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I mean, I’ll gladly take their votes in this election, but what exactly do the Never Trump Republicans think the path to political viability is now? Do they think the ignorant masses are going to see the error of their ways and demand more moderate candidates? When the party decided to give Trump a pass on everything no matter what, they went all-in! There are going to be several literal Q idiots in Congress!


This tweet is amazing. The DOW could literally drop to fucking 8k, and he’ll throw a party when it jumps back to 13k and brag about it as the best month for the market in history.


Well I’m ldo not the one who gets to say what the opposition looks like going forward, but the Never Trumpers should be the ones who run it imho. They obviously suck but at least they got Trump right, at a minimum. No one who ever thought at any point that this fucking lunatic would make a viable president ever gets consulted on anything.

These folks feel at home being the opposition party w/ neoliberals in power.

My guess is you think like a criminal and know that after the supposid defeat they turn on Trumps people, jail 1 or 2 low level Grifters and take back control with Tucker spinning the narrative of Dem Dems bad while the Trump shitshow dismantles in plain sight.

As soon as this election is over they’ll all be back on the grift, slipping & sliding while the Zig Zaggers win again. :joy:

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Justin Amash should be the leader of whatever right wing movement emerges after this. I may disagree with him on 90% of issues, but I don’t think he’s evil, at least. He respects democracy and the rule of law, he’s principled. He’s just wrong.

That’s what the opposition party should be, and that’s what the opposition party should say about us, too.


The GOP once again uses a crisis to increase their liQuidioty

There are already a bunch of Q idiots on the House Intelligence Committee and House Judiciary Committee, they just don’t put it on their Twitter profiles.


Right-wing liquidiots are screaming the dollar may be extinct by EOY. The only answer…is more GOLD cowbell.



It’s great to have the GWB money and Lincoln Project Republican votes to help get Biden over the finish line, but knowing how the Dems operate all this does in the long run is shift the Overton window to the right. The centrists in power will use the Republican support as a way to further ostracize the progressives which is going to be super frustrating to see play out.


Realistically, the current populist racist blip aside, both parties shift left over time. They just shift left at a far slower rate than the rest of the free world which is why the US is now so far to the right of Europe, etc.