The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Rupert Murdoch still signs his checks, no?

Wow just when I thought my disgust for Trump couldn’t get any worse. Imagine how many mypillow commercials Trump has seen! I bet Mike Lindell is like shadow national security advisor at this point and probably calls him more than Erdogan.

Ok seriously though Trump is the most heavily watched person on earth with thousands of people documenting his every move so everyone can know what he has done or his immediate plans are. Its much easier for me to just watch the entire unedited 20 minute video on the white house youtube channel of whatever dipshit thing Trump did that day than to watch someone complain about it on TV for 60 minutes.

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These defenses are so dumb because all its going to take is one reporter to ask Trump a troll question like “Did you not hear a supporter yell “white power” because your hearing is bad and you’re blind and couldn’t see the volume button and don’t know how to work an iphone?” and trump will once again pull a colonel jessup and scream out “You’re goddamn right I heard it!”.


Cody’s pony is both racist and incompetent



Senate Dems seem to have had access to info

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Merkel remained calm and outwardly unruffled in the face of Trump’s attacks —“like water off a duck’s back,” in the words of one source – and she regularly countered his bluster with recitations of fact.

I bet that went well.



In all seriousness, this is absurd even by Trump standards.

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trump conditioned his team to not tell him bad things about russia. they also know he doesn’t read his briefings, so putting something bad about russia in a written briefing won’t blow back badly on them. trump created the perfect storm of russia owning us completely, and he has plausible deniability for all of it on account of being a dumb old man with no business being president.


This may be true. That he never read it.

But if it was in his briefing package and he didn’t read this

He should be removed immediately.


Everyone in his administration should be removed and jailed. I mean hyperbole aside, everyone but his most current sycophants has said this has been Trump’s standard operating procedure. None of his cabinet are innocent in this


Could the Senate theoretically vote to remove right now, or does the House have to impeach again?

(I know)

Like when the Senate votes on their own bill and then punts it to Congress? That would be so sweet lol. Milk it, Pelosi :woman_cook:

What makes Trump so dumb (among other things) is that most of what he does is said to be him attempting to improve his reelection chances. But if he would just do the right thing and be a good president (obviously, this is impossible), he would get reelected easily.

Trump intel briefings arc:

  • Intel sends Trump 20 page white papers a day in advance of briefings (Trump does not look at them and meetings are complete shambles)

  • Intel sends Trump 4 page Executive Summaries a day in advance of briefings (Trump does not look at them and meetings are complete shambles)

  • Intel sends Trump 4 page Executive Summaries with a 1-page Summary of the Executive Summary on top a day in advance of briefings (Trump does not look at them and meetings are complete shambles)

  • Intel hand-delivers to Trump the 1-page Summary of the Executive Summary and waits for Trump to review it (Trump pretends to read it and discussion follows with Trump painfully unaware of what was in the Intel; meetings are even worse than before because Trump is embarrassed that others now can see that he cannot read)

  • Intel reads 1-page Summary of the Executive Summary to Trump (Trump pretends to listen/understand and discussion follows with Trump painfully unaware of what was in the Intel – a slight improvement in the meetings)

  • Intel agrees to answer any questions Trump may have (Trump asks some dimwitted questions and pretends to listen/understand Intel’s answers and then discussion follows with Trump painfully unaware of what was in the Intel – taking a step backwards since now Intel understands how clueless and dangerous Trump really is)

  • Intel appears in Trump’s office and gets berated by Trump for not backing him up on his ill-informed views on National Security (the zenith of Intel briefings with Trump)

  • Intel stops showing up for meetings with Trump (delivering 20-page white papers to his Press Secretary a day in advance of any scheduled meeting – GTO move).


I can’t stand to listen to Trump for more than one second, but I could watch Sarah Cooper lip sync him all day.

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