The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform



Yeah I really don’t get it. Sure workers in scandalous situations in DC mostly can land on their feet in politics but something tells me when the Trump Reign shakes out a lot of his loyalists are going to have it a bit tougher.


lol this guys a clown.


edit: also “literally hiding in his basement”

Imagine watching Fox Business

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Hillary Clinton spent $1,000,000,000 on advisors and got beaten by this team whose number 1 priority is nicknames.


I tried and failed.

Absolutely, but the fact Fox is publicly reporting chinks in his armor and blowing up his facade of being impenetrable and unassailable doesn’t bode well for him, imo

When your main propaganda outlet is out there calling your psyche fragile on Twitter it doesn’t portray a position of strength


It’s the only way I do.


Don’t worry sir. Saying “sleepy joe” over and over is plenty damaging to someone. Keep it up.

Haha, like I am falling for that banana in the tail pipe.

However if trump drops out it would be tight! For about 30 seconds until I remembered trumps blowjob valet would take his place:

Lol, bullshit. This is no different then all the talk that the RNC would replace Trump after the grab em by the P**** tape. He aint dropping out. His approval could drop to 25 percent with people dying in the streets in October (not even a fucking outlier possibility at this point) and he’s still running.


The fact a Fox guy is reporting it is the real news.

I mean, if it were MSNBC or CNN I’d completely wave it off but coming from his firewall it seems somewhat significant.


I mean, there were all kinds of establishment republican elected officials who claimed they could no logner support him after p****gate, and then they turned around and did. I think that a republican elected official saying that is a level higher than a foxnews or foxbusiness person reporting it.

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So…if Trump decides not to run, and takes it a step farther by resigning, can he get a preemptive pardon from President Pence? And not saying Trump will resign, but Pence today did wear a mask at a Dallas church service and actually said you should wear a mask if that’s what local authorities are asking for. So that represents a break from the recent norm. Why?


We will know he’s toast when it’s reported on OANN

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Not really. There’s an inflection point where Mitch tells Donny he can no longer protect him. Now whether that’s 30% approval or 5%, we don’t know. But it definitely exists.

Whats a realistic last date that Trump can drop out and the GOP still gets Pence on the ballet everywhere?

I’m guessing it’s gotta be within a month of the end of the convention.

He doesn’t even really need to get on every single state. He can punt Cali, NY, and anything else solid blue.

One thing is for sure. If Trump does decide to drop out, he will do it in a way that hurts the GOP.