The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

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Reliable source, imo:


These puppy’s should be wearing Vote Biden masks.

Pompeo passed the note to Bolton, no?

I prefer the theory Pompeo passed the note to Kim and that’s the way I’m going to remember it.

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Not sure but it seems like Pompeo wrote a note to NK saying Trump was full of shit.

That’s what I think happened because Trump was whining that Pompeo likes him and would never say such a mean thing.

I hope he spends the next 4+ months talking about packing the court. Not that Joe fucking Biden has the heart to do it.

Sadly, he passed it to Bolton. But I’m going to keep pretending I don’t know that.

He might spend the next four months actually packing the court. Or maybe just eating McDonald’s.

Mary Elizabeth Taylor, the assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs, submitted her resignation on Thursday. Taylor’s five-paragraph resignation letter, obtained by The Washington Post, serves as an indictment of Trump’s stewardship at a time of national unrest from one of the administration’s highest ranking African Americans and an aide who was viewed as both loyal and effective in serving his presidency.

“Moments of upheaval can change you, shift the trajectory of your life, and mold your character. The President’s comments and actions surrounding racial injustice and Black Americans cut sharply against my core values and convictions,” Taylor wrote in her resignation letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “I must follow the dictates of my conscience and resign as Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs.”

Taylor, 30, was unanimously confirmed to her position in October 2018 and is the youngest assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs in history and the first black woman to serve in that post.

She has been a pivotal behind-the-scenes figure in the administration. Tapped for her legislative expertise and strong relationship with senators due to her work for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Taylor served as the White House’s deputy director for nominations before joining the State Department.

Whoever wrote the note and whoever got it, Trump is, was and will forever be remembered as full of shit.

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Solid bet that he’ll have a rally on August 8th (a.k.a. 8/8).


I particularly enjoyed (legally, of course) for some reason.

the trump campaign posted 88 ads featuring nazi symbols and everyone’s like “what an unfortunate accident/coincidence, again”


Massive Trigger Alert

Trigger protests incoming.

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Meghan always making it about her. I should’ve drafted her in the biggest asshole draft.

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