The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Damn this is my shit. I’ve done stuff like this a bunch of time but in the forest/desert and its like heaven for a week. Beautiful sometimes naked free love hippy chicks, yoga, seminars sometimes where they talk about interesting shit but usually dumb woowoo shit, bomb ass food, barter system. Friendliest coolest people ever. Until it gets really big and you get a bunch of shitheads, until then though its magic.


I mean Russia still definitely beats Germany without USA and I think this is pretty commonly accepted by most historians. 75% of Germans who died during WWII died on the eastern front. Lend lease helped some but no way Germany was gonna beat Russia regardless. Too big, too many people, and their tanks were better and they had way more of them.

But its definitely true Russia was nearly as bad and without America Europe would have been in for some dark times under their regime without USA to balance the power. So we were still heros, but we definitely didn’t win WWII. Russia did like 75% of the fighting and winning. And thats with Germany having all their best troops, best equipment, best generals etc on the eastern front.

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As usual with stories vs what the media claims–it’s somewhere in between, it’s guarded by a bunch of douchebags with AR’s who are probably going to shake down the area if they haven’t already because they can’t just stand there for no $ forever–they aren’t very smart though, ran out of food fast taking in a bunch of homeless.

This is another one of those people weren’t thinking things they do. Part of it reminds me of the wire’s experiment of this block do whatever the fuck you want.

if a right wing group did this the media and everyone here would go apeshit though, so lol standards.



If you’re getting your info about running out of food based on a fake tweet or a gateway pundit article (only place I’ve seen this claim besides right wing trolls on twitter) you might want to take a second look. You’ve posted some right wing derp a couple of times on here so try and do better. All the videos I’ve seen from there over the last day show multiple food stations up and running. Yes they are asking for donations for more food but it seems like more so they can continue supplying food for people in need

Edit: Also the I believe the few guys with ARs are part of the local John Brown Gun Club.

They are also discussing the AZ moniker because it doesn’t make sense


Where you getting your info from? All the times I’ve been to similar things out in the forest/desert it is absolutely nothing like that. Tons of food, no weapons, well organized.

Is he giving his race speech?

Not the big one, just some transition to greatness roundtable in texas

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Everyday, all day. For 4 years! He won’t ever shut the fuck up.


There’s a fake tweet going around right wing troll circles that’s supposedly from an organizer in Seattle and then a gateway pundit article about it…


The fact that all of Europe was in ruins while we were left untouched pretty much gave us the opportunity to gain control of the entire world. In that sense, we won. World War 2 further solidifed that for us.

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As we build a better world, we will be confronted with how to solve the problems that the status quo has created.

If we (temporarily) run out of food while feeding the homeless, that is OK.

I can’t imagine the brass balls someone would have to have to mock people for running out of food that was fed to those in need. Our derision should be reserved for those in power in a system that creates swaths of homeless and hungry people in the first place.


Telling Congress something is confidential when it isn’t isn’t lying?



Seems unnecessary given covid can’t infect white Christians. It’s just science.

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