The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I was just talking about frozen fruit and a bong hit.

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Has he seen the viewer ratings though?

Why did no one tell me The Colbert Report was renewed?
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JFC how many days do we have before he guts the military leadership and we have tanks in the streets?

America’s Tiananmen Square massacre is coming


are you talking about your inauguration again?

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I don’t think so. Even if you put the biggest Trumpkin in a tank to run over an American protester, even that person will be self aware to know that he is making a mistake. These cowards do shit because they think no one is watching.

Also, if it were to even happen, it would make protesting go up 1000x. That’s the difference between us and China.



From the New Yorker article, about sending in the Army:

An official who works on military issues confirmed the confrontation, and told me that Milley said, “I’m not doing that. That’s for law enforcement.”

So there you go, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs refused an order.

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“The crowd was like Covid deaths. Was supposed to be two million but because of me only 500000!”

Let us see how it holds up. I have felt from the beginning the military leadership didn’t really want to be involved in this. But they are dealing with an unreasonable, irrational and narcissistic monster. He will keep replacing people until he gets what he wants or something shinier catches his eye.

We will likely get to see how much courage people have. When does an issue become more Important than your current job. I suspect heads would have already rolled but Trump’s advisors told him nobody over there is on board with this so it would be a mistake to push it to far.

But trump will inevitably push it too far. The writers could certainly toss a military coup as a season ending story arc.

I don’t know what publication had it the other day, but it was a pretty good article on how Trump has nobody he trusts or confides in who will push him back or make him face hard truths. This is pretty much a requisite for anyone in any sort of leadership position. I don’t think Trump has had anyone like that in his entire life. For the President it is often a good role for a Chief if Staff, but Trump doesn’t even have any friends who are honest with him. This certainly exists because what normal people want to be friends with him but also because he excises people who do not tell him what he wants to hear. He is really no different than Kim Jung Un in this regard. Putin certainly has people whom he trusts who level with him when necessary.

Geez we have to get him out of the White House.


A liberal president might have similar problems pushing further to the left than military leadership is comfortable with.

Biden, the presumed Democratic nominee, leads Republican Trump in Michigan 53-41, according to a poll conducted by EPIC-MRA of Lansing between May 30 and last Wednesday.

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Would bet my entire net worth against him being able to correctly pronounce “Mariska Hargitay”

Not sure I can do it.

Marr-iss-kah Heart-ih-gay?