The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

There are already a bunch of Q idiots on the House Intelligence Committee and House Judiciary Committee, they just don’t put it on their Twitter profiles.


Right-wing liquidiots are screaming the dollar may be extinct by EOY. The only answer…is more GOLD cowbell.



It’s great to have the GWB money and Lincoln Project Republican votes to help get Biden over the finish line, but knowing how the Dems operate all this does in the long run is shift the Overton window to the right. The centrists in power will use the Republican support as a way to further ostracize the progressives which is going to be super frustrating to see play out.


Realistically, the current populist racist blip aside, both parties shift left over time. They just shift left at a far slower rate than the rest of the free world which is why the US is now so far to the right of Europe, etc.

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I hope you’re right. Best case scenario is this nazi/Trump era will act as a rubber band and we’ll snap back further left than we’ve ever been and then continue the slow crawl further left.

I think Joe Biden should lead the right wing movement that comes out of it


I think that’s the most likely outcome if we survive the Trump presidency. I mean, we have shifted left over the decades, at least on social and cultural issues (maybe not as much economically). Gay marriage is now legal, Mississippi just removed the confederate flag its flag, Mitt Romney marched in a BLM protest, etc.

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They become establishment democrats. It’s not some enormous leap and they retain their power and influence (they assume).

It literally has -0- examples of how it’s going to help workers.

OANN is polling now!


If OANN doesn’t have trump up 25 points in Arizona he is really and truly fucked!


Gravis sounds familiar what is that

Nate has determined they are nut low for accuracy.


8 Whom do you trust to prevent violent riots in American cities?
9 Is rioting an effective way to change policy?
10 Is activating the national guard an effective way to prevent further rioting?
13 Who is more responsible for the riots across the country?

And teh coup de grace

It’s the pollster. C rating by 538 but generally a slight D bias.


Those questions are lol, and if they asked them before the candidate preference question then they led the participant in a slimy way.

But what is remarkable about the pic? Those are approximately the demographics of Arizona. Also pollsters often don’t have a representative sample, e.g. too few Latinos, but I believe pollsters usually weight the results to correct. Somebody let me know if that’s wrong.

A long time ago. Holy shit is there a lot of crap rattling around my head.

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