The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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One of my better decisions of the last several years for sure.

Not bad.

In all unfairness, I want to nitpick one thing he said.

You never ordered former White House counsel Don McGhan to fire Bob Mueller until we found outā€¦you tried.

Isnā€™t this a lie? Don didnā€™t try to make this order lol. He DID order Mueller to be fired.

Separate from that is McGhanā€™s decision to disobey that order.

By charging more for the hotel rooms they rent from him?

George Costanza already answered this question.

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So Syria is our enemy again?


This joke is meaningless without the gif SMH

Iā€™m still trying to figure out his logic when he says Syria ā€œnaturallyā€ wants to protect the Kurds.

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I never said I wasnā€™t lazy.

Gotta be honest, his case is presented incoherently and the sudden pullout was stupid and unnecessarily got people killed, but the end result makes sense to me. Despise Assad, but if the ā€œnatural resultā€ without the US being there is for the Kurds to live safely under his regime w/ Russian protection then so be it. Neither Assad nor Turkey were going to allow a permanent independent Kurdish state, and they had the Kurds greatly outgunned. So whatā€™s the alternative, we keep a US presence indefinitely until such time we agree to a similar result?

And now the bad poaster

Your pony should take this backā€¦or not. Maybe.

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Yeah, that would have been fine. Get the UN to send in some blue helmets to act as a trip wire instead of the US troops, if you want. Or the Russians, if theyā€™re up to it.

I hate Trump with a passion, but getting our troops out of the area Iā€™m good with - I agree with about 10% of the stuff he does, since heā€™s just flailing around like an brain damaged meth head anyway, heā€™s accidentally going to do stuff on occasion that isnā€™t awful. But this is a long term disaster in terms of our credibility thatā€™s going to hurt us decades after heā€™s gone.


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Hey, you canā€™t have the bonafides of Hitler if you donā€™t allow genocide to happenā€¦

Assad and the Kurds both hate the Turks and the militia groups the Turks work with more than each other. Turkey is a Sunni Islamic authoritarian state that has much less of a problem w/ ISIS and Sunni extremist groups like it than most because ultimately they are on the same side. Think Romneyā€™s attitude towards Trump, Romney thinks Trump is despicable scumbag but at the end of the day they are on the same team and largely work towards the same goals.

So the Kurds are going to fold into Assadā€™s government and Assad will treat them decently as long as the Kurds agree Assad has ultimate authority over them. Then they will oppose Turkey together until such time as they negotiate a truce.

Wow lol


I find it weird that Iā€™ve now seen multiple memes that have Xi as Winnie the Pooh. Is that some sort of ununderstandable racism?

So the US southern border both abuts and is a part of the US? You are the the dumbest motherfucker.

Unrelated, it feels like the gaslighting has gotten much worse lately. Itā€™s easy to not notice since itā€™s been bad from day 1, but itā€™s one of the more tilting things heā€™s doing.