The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

If that is why trump did it, it should lead to snap double secret impeachment.

It’s not illegal to betray our allies.

It is illegal to free the prisoners of war of the enemy we are at war with.

Yeah, exactly. You have to go through the motions to force them to do these things. Along the way they will likely make even more errors that can only hurt them.

What law is bring broken?

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18 U.S.C. § 2381 - U.S. Code

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States , levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason


I think he’s more stupid than treasonous on this particular bit. It’s not illegal to be a bad president, although I’d like to see Trump put in a room full of Kurds right now to see what happens.

I don’t think impeachment is the equivalent of a court-martial. A court-martial is a judicial process to punish those who break the law. An impeachment is a political process which can occur even in the absence of law-breaking. The equivalent of impeachment is relieving a general of his command.

It’s interesting the women being called to Congress are honoring the subpoenas and the men are ignoring them. Why does this not surprise me?

Finally, Spicer’s debt will be repaid. Not too soon, either, considering the emotional anguish of telling blatant lie after blatant lie, but it was all worth it for the President to vote for him.
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The probably silly and certainly petty part of me likes to think that the Fox video from a couple of days ago where Trump touted that the show would have no guests, just the host ranting, was full of empty seats because no one is willing to go on. Of course they’ve found a lot of people who will go on since then, but the bench is deep if all you want is someone who will agree with you.

< cough > Fox and Friends

They’re not equivalent, however it’s the closest thing our system has to holding a president accountable.

I’ve long held the belief that the typical Republican voter doesn’t even care about policies or likability anymore and instead vote for whoever they think will stick it to the liberals more. Oh, and yeah… Single issue voters like pro-life