The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Apart from anything else, the Kurds would probably be their first victims.

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Run the Jewels.

Killer Mike has some problematic views but their music is both good and socially conscious. Bonus: Zach de la Rocha features on one of their songs!

This is a personal favorite:

Edit: I see I was ponied

Thank God for CNN. If it wasn’t for them, I would have no idea you don’t need ID to buy groceries.

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This is handy!

Lev, Igor, and Rudy are all scheduled to show up in front of the House? That can’t be right.

It says “Documents”.

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Yeah, I figure that’s those are the due dates for subpoenaed docs.

Remember when GHWB wound up at a supermarket when on the campaign trail, and was all like “what is this wizardry” when he saw people scanning barcodes instead of typing in prices? Be surprised if Trump bought groceries more than twice in his life.


LOL documents

They still think it matters


SPOILER ALERT: They aren’t getting those documents.

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Or a single straight and truthful answer from anyone.

Yeah Sir look into that rich white guy killing someone while on vacation in a foreign country. Sounds like a good use of your resources.

Fine. Let them obstruct. Obstruction didn’t save Nixon, and while it is far from certain that Trump will meet the same fate, defying subpoenas doesn’t help his case.