The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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There’s a plethora of billionaires using racial animus to divide and conquer the world to install a theocratic oligarchy.

dvaut would have just wrote more words in better prose.


Trump aides worked with [all five] whistleblower(s)!

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Stable genius, ladies and gentlemen. This deal is so biggly and tremendous that it’s possible we aren’t even capable of holding up our end of the arrangement. Makes sense.
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A hard hitting interview of scumbag Mike Pompeo by a local Nashville news anchor when he was in town for a “religious freedom” event. She does a better job than any of the major national networks. He refuses to answer multiple questions and then can’t leave fast enough once it’s over.

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He had me at lower car insurance.

Sorry guise, I’m gonna haff ta dafect.

Oh shit, thunk I alredy lost 50 iq ponts.

I bet the penalties for not delivering 1 kajillion soy beans a year is amazing.

Man that interview. That’s like a 2/10 hard hitting journalist and he still looks like the lying scumbag he is.

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I’ll listen later, as I typically do with the weeds.

The federalist society is full of smart people by standard standards of smartness, which is not the standard I apply.

I don’t think I’m going to say anything that will surprise you. Our systems are all failing, and the stacking of the courts by the federalist society is going to have really severe long-term consequences. That dissenting opinion in the 2nd circuit is ridiculous.

Edit: I also do not share Simplcitus’ optimism and have not since the Mueller report.

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Fun fact: Eyes Wide Shut had to overlay CGI couples doing the nasty in less explicit ways than the couples Kubrick had shot so that the MPAA wouldn’t rate the film NC17. That’s right, they inserted MORE sex to get a less explicit rating. Dafuq?

If you’re the sort of person who enjoys deep dives into the meaning and symbolism of Kubrick movies, such as the documentary ROOM 237, you (or maybe this is better for nunnehi?) might enjoy this video: Room 237: Pitch Perfect.


iirc they cgi’d furniture in front of the fucking

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Just when I thought barr couldn’t be any worse

The amazing thing to me is there is STILL no real organized opposition to Trump. No mass protests, no real deep state pushback, no mass resignations, and no serious congressional revolt.

One thing this whole thing has shown is that while there is no nation on earth who fetishizes their constitution more, it’s 100% bullshit and nobody gives a shit about it’s core purpose; not the right or the left.

So many surveys over the years rank the US as one of the most patriotic nations but its clear the whole thing is a paper-thin facade.


Not sure if this has already been posted but I hadn’t seen it

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