The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

The 8 figure NDA/non-compete that Shep signed.

Yeah shep just signed a new contract. He isn’t going to be on tv for a long while unless someone buys his contract for Fox.

This quote is a reminder for those who thought Mueller could charge Trump, and not be overruled by Barr. Team Trump dramatically lost a case earlier this week where they argued that a sitting president can’t be indicted, prosecuted, or even investigated. The DOJ in another case today didn’t go as far as saying that a sitting president can’t be investigated, but the article from the NYT included this:

The department reiterated its longstanding position that a sitting president may not be charged or prosecuted, citing Justice Department memos dating to the Nixon and Clinton administrations.

When people like Barr say stuff like, ‘oh Mueller could have charged him if there was a crime there’ they’re flat out lying. That never would have held, especially based on how they’ve argued for Trump in court.

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Shep Smith to RT for the heel turn.

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For Megyn’s remaining contract, Tuck Chode, Chopper, Chris Matthews, and an anchor to be named.

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Looking forward to a month from now when Trump makes these exact same tweets about KY Governor race…

Megyn is the Luol Deng to NBC’s Lakers. Shep is Kaep.

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Shit, if she’s going to make false statements, she should have gone bigger, like having definitive proof that tRUmp and Epstein were partners in the child sex trafficking ring.



Nice alt right skinhead security.

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Yeah while that would be amusing I think this will hit home more. Facebook’s policy is insane and one of the top execs over it used to work for Giuliani.

Daily reminder : don’t Facebook


This is why Dems lose at everything.

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Really hard to not laugh at Barr in that pic.


I wish I could go back in time to 2016 to see what the law bros had to say about a prediction that the DOJ would file a brief in support of the president’s claim that he has absolute immunity from criminal investigation and prosecution by anyone other than Congress, while meanwhile a federal appellate judge on the DC Circuit Court argued in a dissenting opinion that Congress has no power to investigate him unless they are doing so through impeachment. I’m sure I would have been laughed off the old forum and mocked endlessly.

That’s how far we’ve come.

Or imagine if I popped back to May 17, 2017 and told everyone that not only would Mueller not make Trump sit for an interview, but that it really wouldn’t matter becauseTrump would actually openly solicit foreign interference from China in the 2020 election in late 2019, and nothing would happen as a result… and that it would barely even make headlines when it happened.

As many horrible things as a lot of us predicted (I predicted internment camps on a phone call to a friend the day after the election), we’ve in many ways fallen farther than we ever could have imagined… Which is truly astounding to think about now, given the way it’s just been creeping up on us like the high tide with a storm approaching, each wave lapping a little further inland, eroding just a little more of our foundation…


Kind of like when I brought up that the media landscape has totally changed the way we process information and consume “facts” since Nixon, and you ducked it and totally avoided the question?

So you’ve gone from putting your faith in Pelosi and the establishment Dems to save us to putting your trust in Mitch Motherfucking McConnell to save us?

They also claimed Congress can’t impeach him or something to that effect. They are the most preposterously bad lawyers ever. Cohen may have been the A-team after all.

No? I’m just saying that Jeff Flake claimed around 10 or 11 days ago (pre-Syria situation, pre-Open Skies situation) that there were 35 GOP Senators who would convict Trump if it were a private vote. Seems like they could put pressure on him to do that, and also Moscow Mitch sets the rules. That’s it.