The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Because he’s great for the press. It’s absolutely insane how good Trump has been for the bottom line of every cable news channel. Not just Fox, but every cable news channel. Assuming people follow their incentives they all secretly want him to get reelected.

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Imagine being a recent shooting victim who’s also gay who then has the bigot President show up to use you as a prop while you’re still in the hospital from the shooting.

Sorry your parents both died kiddo, now say cheese.

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I hesitate to say that picture is a new low, but it really feels like it to me. What unfeeling, uncaring monsters they both are.

Making a new low isn’t super notable when you’re trending down.

I know it’s just a drop in the bottomless bucket of shit that is this presidency, but that picture triggered a wave of bad feelings like I haven’t felt in a while.


This is 100% of why I don’t follow Trump on twitter. Trump is out there being Trump. I get triggered enough by the dumb shit he’s doing when it gets deemed newsworthy by Bloomberg or the WaPo lol.

I would say that picture will go down in the history books as a fantastic snapshot of this presidency (vanity, sociopathy, incompetence, insincerity, narcissism, cruelty), but at this point it’s equally likely the NYT runs it on the front page with some “Trump Consoles Victims in Stunning Act of Courage” nonsense.

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Your suggested headline is good, but needs more punching left, IMO.

It’s actually worse than you think.

The baby was actually discharged from the hospital and brought back just for this picture.

Jesus. I wish I could unsubscribe again. It’s like they didn’t learn a single solitary thing from 2016.


Supposedly the kid’s father was a Trump supporter, as are other members of the family. That is fucked up.

Oops, lil slipup with the branding.

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But we all know it’s going to be more like:

"You Trumpers, I just want you to know that I’m your president too and I’m going to be there for you guys. I know your economic anxiety is real, I know what it’s like to grow up white in a shithole like Scranton, so I get it… and I’m going to make sure to divert some tax dollars from California and New York to real America - to people in Alabama and Kansas. And it’ll mostly go to white people, don’t you worry.

And we’re going to keep the filibuster, so don’t you worry about me getting any justices that want to help out Planned Parenthood or womens’ rights in any way. We’re also going to give tax credits to mega churches and make Chick fil A free for white people in red states on college football Saturdays, just as an olive branch when those stadiums fill up with Tucker Carlson’s friends. We’ll probably name some stuff after Trump and Pence, too, to honor their presidency and bring America together. Maybe we’ll rename the National Mall the Trump National Mall, because so many people went there for his inauguration.

Since the filibuster is staying put, don’t you worry about your guns, they’re going to be safe. And your confederate statues, boy I think they’re an important part of our history. I mean, I know the guys I used to work with in the Senate really loved them and they seemed like good, upstanding, white - I mean wealthy - citizens.

Now, let’s see if we can compromise on healthcare. I was thinking maybe a public option, but the great leader from Kentucky, Senator McConnell, said no. Maybe we’ll just go back to totally unregulated private insurance and see how that goes. I think we can get some bipartisan support for that, and that’s kind of my middle name.

Now let’s get to healing America!"

  • President Joe “Bipartisan” Biden

Missed opportunity to hawk a Trump branded bulletproof backpack IMO.

Wait is that real?

It’s paraphrased, but yes.