The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I mean how long can that last? Maybe voter suppression and gerrymandering can extend their power for awhile but eventually the wave of new demographics will be too much even for that.

Right? No way this version of the right can exist in 40 years with the changes.

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This is definitely a big part of it. I was thinking more of the actual senators & house members supporting him. I thought the general belief was they hate him and know he’s complete garbage but support him because in the short term it’s better for their power/wallet. But I figured there would at least be some who would want to play the long game and hope to be remembered as American heros/saviors of our democracy.

I think Trump supporters and the politicians supporting him aren’t that different, and they’re living in the same insane reality.

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The country as we know it might not exist by then.

Earlier in that Chris Hedges video, he says as much.

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So, that’s $100,001/month?

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It’s only about tax avoidance with them, period

I’m giddy at the non-zero probability that Trump will convince himself of exactly that. Can you imagine the tweets?

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Chuck Todd has finally grown a spine. Colluding with Russia, locking kids up in cages, rampant racism and white nationalism… just fine, but for some reason this one made his balls drop.

The diagnostic criteria offer a useful framework for understanding the most remarkable features of Donald Trump’s personality, and of his presidency. (1) Exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements ? ( 2) Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance ? (3) Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and should only associate with other special or high-status people? That’s Trump, to a T. As Trump himself might put it, he exaggerates accomplishments better than anyone. In July, he described himself in a tweet as “so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius!” (Exclamation point his, of course.) That “stable genius” self-description is one that Trump has repeated over and over again—even though he has trouble with spelling, doesn’t know the difference between a hyphen and an apostrophe, doesn’t appear to understand fractions, needs basic geography lessons, speaks at the level of a fourth grader, and engages in “serial misuse of public language” and “cannot write sentences,” and even though members of his own administration have variously considered him to be a “moron,” an “idiot,” a “dope,” “dumb as shit,” and a person with the intelligence of a “kindergartener” or a “fifth or sixth grader” or an “11-year-old child.”


There’s probably seven billion shades of consciousness in this life, ya know? lol ya know? it’s impossible to know, even though people practice empathy.

All I saw was Ron Johnson just shouting conspiracy theories while Chuck Todd mostly let it happen.

There is zero point booking these clowns. None.


Yeah, I can’t say I was very impressed with Todd’s performance either.

He was better than usual, but that’s not a hard bar to clear.

I saw it. Absolutely infuriating, and example of arrival at the bottom of that slippery slope.

When the President and Senators peddle in Deep State conspiracy currency, maybe now we’ll reconsider how cool it is to be anti-establishment at literally ever opportunity for the fashion of it.

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what would you have done differently? lol

My entire life too and I’m 51. The last major figure in the GOP who one might argue for is Eisenhower. It’s not like 50%+ of the Dems aren’t scumbags too though.

Cut his mic off the instant he starts dodging the question by bringing up stupid irrelevant nonsense. If he does it again, end the interview.


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( twitter | raw text )

Narrator: he was not better than this

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