The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

^ Lol, nothing like trying to write a medium content post and having Hannity insta-refresh in your face


Literally so what. Why would he be required to disclose that.

It knocked the wind right out of you, didn’t it? Hannity (Hell) is the impossibility of reason, so I’ve got nothing much to tell you, but ive got so much on my mind
guess ill put this pencil down
sincerely your friend

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Only catching up on all this news now. I want to point out that Trump looks AMAZINGLY BAD in clips I’ve seen from today. He looks like blowtorched flan. President Pumkin Candle has to be close to some sort of life event medical disaster, let’s wish for it!


( twitter | raw text )

Yep. What’s going on? He looks like shockingly-red walking hypertension with piss cotton candy hair. He tippy-toes forward when talking from whatever sort of shoe lifts or back brace. FUCK YOU DONALD TRUMP. Such a disgusting person, such a disgrace.


I mean, giving an incompetent clowndick like W a blank check to wage neverending war was garbage even if you thought Iraq had WMDs. The Patriot Act was unacceptable even in a time of war. At the time, I thought for sure of course Saddam had chem/bio weapons (why wouldn’t he?) but he’d been a contained threat for years and there was nothing connecting him to 9/11.

Sorry, anyone old enough to hold office at the time knew better than to fall in line with this bullshit, it was straight out of Orwell, only like a really dumbed-down version of Orwell. They wanted goddamn librarians to spy on Americans and they actually called it the fucking USA PATRIOT Act. Like, a Marvel comic book movie would reject that as being too cheesy. Anyone who’d ever watched a dystopian sci-fi movie knew what was happening, but the Dems just went along with it like good little quislings. They should all be accountable for the forever wars, none of them should ever live this down.


Can you set fire to piss? That’s Trump’s look. This reddish and yellow bloated man-toad with his fucking piss hair and his wide stance dementia walk just being as comfortably disgusting as a person can be. “Let me call on you,” he says at his helicopter press conference with his bizarre, plastic surgery sculpted hair style. He reminds me of looking at a pelican or something, just fucking weird. Good job USA electing this guy!


This comic is from 9/11/2002, about two months before we went to war. At the time, we didn’t even know the WMD shit was a lie. idk how many of you reading this are young GenZ/Millennials, but any old people who tell you that the Iraq War seemed like a good idea at the time are straight-up lying to you.


I enjoy this style of yours lol . I’m often at a loss to come up with new, creative ways to characterize Trump. lol President Pumpkin Candle. His hair is the wick obvs

Look at this guy. He looks like some kind of Willy Wonka bullshit character who lives on peach soda and has his hair shampooed with powdered sugar. Eat SHIT Trump. I wish all health ailments on you.


Let me tell you what quislings do, they always give themselves an out in case shit hits the fan. The guys who were war hawks in 2002 now say “gee, it seemed like a good idea at the time!” In ten years, lots of Republicans will say “I was always a NeverTrumper! Here is this tweet where I said I was very troubled about family separation!” Lots of people will tell you they never supported Trump, or that he seemed like a good idea at the time. They’ll all be lying to you.


Thanks, I just can’t stand him and tend to get descriptive.

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democracy in saudi arabia yikes. They’d probably want even worse than the current regime.

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Arguably, voting for Clinton in 2016 (Yemen, neoliberal, bankster, many ngo connections) in the name of ‘lessor of two evils’ isn’t that much different than a Republican who thinks Trump colored out of the lines but still won’t vote anything but R.

Anyone can give me cliffs on the Manafort situation? Video summary or similar is fine.

More of this human trash. What are his eyes carved out of plums? Mattress stuffing hair on a bloviating POS. He’s gesturing how he’s driving his own demise. Reminds me off the group of bananas your forgot about in the back part of the kitchen and it just rots and slops apart on the floor when you pick it up. Sloppily splats on the floor, that’s his brain.


You dirty dog.

Check out her instagram; it’s the best example I’ve seen of comedically turning the ‘sexy instagram model’ thing on its head.

I think this was overlooked: the official name of this order was “protecting medicare from socialist destruction”. Not onion.

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It’s like they took the the stupid “Obama’s a socialist he’s gonna take away my social security” lady and made her president.