The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

The same ones that said Hillary would win no doubt.

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This is a really low bar, but Romney would probably be better than Biden.

This is funny in a nihilistic sort of way to me, but the truth is that I would take those odds every time. It’s tempting to be results oriented, but she was overwhelmingly likely to win despite everything. The fact that she lost to a two-outer is just the way it happens when you can’t ever be a 100% lock.

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I’ll take phrases no one in 2012 ever thought they’d say in 2019 for…let’s make it $1 million, Alex

Even if David Drehle could show that it was deliberate–and I’m nowhere close to believing the DNC has it out for Biden LOL–in some ways, I want a candidate to survive something like their closest allies taking a swing at them. The opposition won’t pull any punches. If you can’t stand friendly fire, you probably shouldn’t be in the race.

Like when headlines said poor Joe Biden, how could Castro be so mean to him in the debate… LOL? Isn’t the point of a debate for the candidate to be challenged both on substance and character? On temperament AND principle?

It’s like in House of Cards when Claire was being grilled by the Senate to determine whether she would be an ambassador, and she lost her shit. She confronted the senator who infuriated her, and he said you’re right, that wasn’t fair of me, but that’s what made it a true test of her ability.

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Here’s the key data you should be looking at, and this is tracking across multiple polls, though the question is not asked frequently:

A majority of Americans (52%) agree that President Trump asking Ukraine to investigate Biden is an abuse of power, including 79% of Democrats, 46% of Independents, and 30% of Republicans.

If 30 percent of Republicans see this as a problem, it’s a problem if you come out saying it’s okay.

Buried in this is this:

However, if the President threatened to withhold foreign aid from a country if the country refused to take an action benefiting a President, that would be different. Majorities of Democrats, Independents, and a plurality of Republicans (44%) would find that inappropriate.

Among all Americans, 63% say it is not appropriate for a U.S. president to make this type of request to a foreign leader. Just 21% say it is appropriate. Only 5% of Democrats and 20% of independents say this is appropriate, but Republicans are more divided with 43% saying this type of request is appropriate, 31% saying it is not, and 26% saying either it depends or they are not sure.

Most of these polls are a few days old, and things are getting much worse for them. I don’t think any of these polls are great info, and also think it’s about time someone starts aggregating the polls. I have no idea why 538 and realclearpolitics hasn’t done this yet, but hopefully they will soon.

The GOP voters are still very much against impeachment, but quite a few see that what he did on that phone call is not right. The more he does and the more that comes out about this specific scheme, the worse it gets. Please remember that not a single member of the GOP is defending Trump’s behavior on the call. They all know what he did is illegal and impeachable. They’re trying to attack process, and trying to dance around what was actually done on the call.

No one can defend him, because it would in effect make them ‘traitors’ to the country. That’s a bridge only people like Gym Jordan and Matt Gaetz are willing to cross. But even they haven’t done that as far as I know.



Washington Post story that has ‘updates’ by the hour (lol). This is moving so fast that they now are creating timelines.

Romney would nominate Heritage Foundation ghouls to SCOTUS while Biden would install Merrick Garland

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Speaker Manson?

This is just a mockery of the justice system:

A DOJ official said Attorney General William Barr was made aware of the conversation with Elwood and Eisenberg, and their concerns about the president’s behavior, in the days that followed.

Justice Department officials now say they didn’t consider the phone conversation a formal criminal referral because it was not in written form. A separate criminal referral came later from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which was based solely on the whistleblower’s official written complaint.

Barr going with the ‘oh I knew about it, but it wasn’t in writing so it wasn’t real’ defense is just unfuckingbelievable. And this is about a guy who has almost no ability to shock me anymore.

Pompeo, Barr, and Trump are massive security threats that need to be acted on ASAP. Can’t wait to see the promised Pompeo response today about the subpoena (due October 4, and he said he would respond in time).

Romney is a significantly more competent executive who would nominate heritage foundation ghouls with clean backgrounds and Biden would nominate milquetoast moderates while being incompetent and corrupt. Such great choices.

So much for loyalty.

Loyalty = leverage with sociopaths. If I was a high ranking member of the gop I’d be looking for the lowest risk most expeditious way of this burning, sinking soon to be wreck.

Is that an endorsement?

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Biden would invade Iraq and kill millions of people. Biden would “reform” welfare and take assistance away from millions. Biden would “reform” the criminal justice system and lock up millions of people. Biden would build more fences and walls.

Well, the tense is wrong there - that’s all stuff he helped do. Who knows what’s next?

(also, he never was that bright and he’s lost most of whatever he did have)


You know what? Why not?

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My view out to sea includes a 116 turbine farm - looks great as far as I’m concerned

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