The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Yeah, no one is denying that. I am pointing out that she doesn’t even know which way the political winds are blowing and she’s the leader of the friggin party ffs

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As far as I have read, his conversation was certainly high crimes and misdemeanours, but not criminal. They are not the same thing.

Not that he has not committed many crimes. I just haven’t heard this instance was one.

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LOL “it’s outrages”


He’s not running for re-election in 2020.

There does come a time when leaders need to lead. One of the worst things to happen to politics was focus grouping and opinion polling. The Boomer generation of politicians used it as an excuse to abdicate all decision making to the wisdom of the crowd… Thing is the crowd has no idea what the right decision would be most of the time.

Focus grouping and opinion polling work sort of well in marketing. Only sort of well though. If Steve Jobs had cared about what people told him they wanted the world would be a different place. The best leaders figure out what will happen AFTER they make a decision rather than asking people what they think about it beforehand. It involves risk.

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Didn’t you just say she began the process now that his latest malfeasance became public. Isn’t that precisely knowing where the political winds are blowing?

Agree with this. I don’t think Pelosi is some amazing saviour by any stretch, but the hate for her in here seems way out of proportion.


People are mad because she made the wrong choice and then got lucky. It’s never fun to see a fish suck out and hit their 4 outer from the turn to the river. Unsurprisingly nobody has any confidence that she’s going to play the next hand right and we’re all kind of panicking about it.


Biden will fix all this with a nice little war with Russia. Maybe we can even regime change them.

I’m seriously praying this whole thing damages Biden enough to get us candidate Warren. You want to talk about polling leading to terrible political decisions? Trump fears Biden more than he fears Warren. So much so that he’s demonstrating exactly why he could have beat Biden before the primary is even over.

I cannot stress enough opinion polls are snapshots of right now. They change constantly. Just because someone is polling ahead of you doesn’t mean they’ll always poll ahead of you. Similarly just because it seems like you’re winning now doesn’t mean that what you’re doing right now will still be popular in six months.

Take Trump’s economic policies. It’s looking increasingly likely that we’ll be in recession when the election rolls around. The fact that people two months ago were rating his economic performance relatively highly compared to every other thing about him doesn’t mean that won’t reverse when the markets crash.

A lot of you look at my takes and think I’m out of my mind because they don’t match current polling. I’m not shooting at where we are right now, I’m trying to shoot at where we’ll be. And with that I’d like to point out that my statements about Warren (and Yang because he is gaining ground) from a couple of months ago are looking pretty good, as are my statements about the 2018 election cycle where I said we’d see a voter turnout surge and a blue wave. Not saying I’m always right, far from it, I’m wrong all the time… but I think I’m outperforming pollsters snapshots of where we are in real time as indications of the future.

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That doesn’t explain why she steps in shit every time she moves.

Did you see her at the joint press conference with schiff? It was ridiculous.

One of my favorite quotes, and I’m not even sure if it’s real, is Henry Ford “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses”


Why is it outrageous that a CIA agent is a whistle blower? The intelligence community has their own whistleblower law.

They just keep throwing up the nonsense.

I don’t hate Pelosi for her strategic blunders, in fact, I think she’s gotten it mostly right. Mueller produced a bullshit report that made impeachment a questionable political move. Now, there is a simple and compelling case and she’s moving forward.

I hate her because she fundamentally doesn’t understand, acknowledge or have a PR strategy for the GOP’s core strategy of lawless cheating.


What specifically should she be doing differently?

She could start by not shitting on the press for wanting to talk about impeachment. She could drop all pretense of trying to talk about legislation that will never pass and just focus on going to the mattresses. She could become a huge advocate for M4A, legal weed, and other super popular stuff that will actually help us win in 2020.

The whole grandma wants you to eat your broccoli act is super tired.

EDIT: I said working on when I really meant talking about.


You are contradicting yourself. She should drop everything except impeachment but also focus on legalization of weed etc?

I think her point making journalists focus on something other than impeachment was a good one, if poorly stated.

Should everything else in Government stop for the next 6-12 months? I don’t think so.

Stuff like that