The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Note that federal courts have stayed like 8 recent state abortion bans. This case may, quite likely, be used to effectively overturn Roe. They probably won’t expressly overturn it but will simply continue extending the incoherent interpretation of Casey (basically that nothing constitutes an “undue burden” on access) so that whatever imposition a state makes is not an excessive restriction. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch and Thomas will likely also add some BS about it being “religious discrimination” to not take into consideration the strong feelings of good Christians when it comes to regulating abortion.

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Nancy has her finger on the pulse eh


Will Hurd is WEAK on borders, HATES our 2nd Amendment, and is a Crooked Hillary Democrat is sheep’s clothing! Whoever runs against him in the primary LOVES our military, STRONG borders, and great 2nd Amendment and has my full and complete endorsement!


I don’t really get the hate for Pelosi. She can’t be a bomb thrower at the same time as heading up a presidential impeachment hearing for only the 3rd time in US history. Even though it is about a clownish buffoon, the process is the most dramatic remedy built into US democracy. It has to be conducted with some reverence and clarity of mind.

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Predictit has Trump at 18% to be convicted by the Senate and 9% not to be President by the end of 2019. This is the biggest trial of my faith in markets since Bitcoin.

Can’t figure out how to quote this post from the locked impeachment thread, but I feel better now (about efficient markets). I keep checking PI to see how each additional damning development is affecting the markets, but they’ve been pretty stable. That’s either evidence of mass irrationality or suggests that the markets priced in that of course Giuliani and co left a bunch of damaging evidence behind and of course it was all going to leak along with some of the other shit that everyone knew was going on.

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Anyone looking to predictit for an efficient market doesn’t understand why I love predictit. Those numbers are still stupid high even after yesterday.

Maybe rethink your slavish devotion to markets? I mean, actual people invested in WeWork at a $47 billion valuation.

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That’s not a market failure. That’s a success.
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Jesus he’s bad at messaging. It’s about the President of the United States being a massive criminal.

There, simple, accurate.

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Please. Nancy’s hesitance to this point had nothing to do with respecting the Constitution or reverence to traditions and norms or ANY of that, and everything to do with the politics. She didn’t want to make Trump more popular with independents the way Clinton got more popular with his impeachment, full stop end of story. She only relented when she had no other choice. I mean, they’re impeaching right now over a matter they’ve known about for months! We knew Rudy was fucking around in Ukraine well before the whistleblower was in the news.

This polling just shows that even on the public’s perception of impeachment ie the politics, she got it wrong.


Hurd is the actual living version of a RINO. His Daily Show interview a few months ago was fantastic.

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That’s not a bug. It’s a feature. Impeachment is a deeply political process.