The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I fully expect this to stall at, “and if I did, it wasn’t that bad.” So many people here have called Trumpkins cultists. We are about to find out that they really are in a cult. Trump barely got dinged on his Gallup approval over the last couple weeks. GOP senators are already saying this is fine. They know it’s not fine, but they aren’t going to get primaried over it.

Yeah, seems like they’re going to roll up all the career diplomats and won’t even need Giuliani or Pompeo or anyone like that to get up there and announce that they ordered the code red. This Taylor guy was practically shouting in those text messages that you fucking idiots are committing all the crimes and I’m going to get it in writing that I told you this. The GOP senators will still probably pretend not to know his name when they get ambushed tomorrow by a reporter, but it’s all going to get out there one way or the other

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I seriously don’t get what team WAAF is seeing that I’m not. Maybe I’m stupid, I don’t know.

Because I see a lot of chaos from the GOP and everyone’s pointing fingers or jumping ship. The House will impeach, the Senate won’t and it will come down to the 2020 election. But that’s pretty much always been the case since 2 weeks ago.

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The big news in the derposphere is the White House is sending a letter saying they will ignore the house unless they take a vote on starting an impeachment Inquiry.

Let’s see if Nancy and the rest have the stones to call it obstruction and move ahead.

Waiting on 2020 isn’t good enough now. The President is openly in dictator mode and admitting to crimes that directly effect our next election. All of his supporters are cool with it.

I don’t even have a suggestion what to do about it. It’s been made clear that the only way to punish a president is to impeach him, and very clear that Trumpkins and by extension GOP senators will never support impeachment. Trump is literally above the law in every sense imaginable.


But what if he wasn’t? Will anyone here get this?

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To be fair, he forgot he was Secretary of Energy, too.


The Secretary of Lay (Lie?) Low Energy

Conversely, have 1.5 million liberal Californians split up and move to three midwestern states (except Ohio, which is too racist?) and never lose again.


What you are asking for is instant gratification. It doesn’t work that way when it comes to impeachment. All of his supporters are not cool with it. The poll numbers for impeachment are rising; even within the GOP. That is a good thing. This is not going to happen overnight. It’s just not.

Have you noticed that people like Romney always say “deeply troubled” or “very concerned”? It’s because they won’t go on record for supporting Trump whenever he does something bad. When they see poll numbers change, they will turn and claim they never supported him in the first place.

A lot of these people WANT Trump out. They are trying to figure out how to do it while staying relevant in office and keeping their jobs. I mean shit, you got Drudge talking about impeachment, some on Fox, etc. The tide is clearly turning. But they can’t just come out and say “Yea, Trump’s gotta go.” I mean they could, but they are soulless ghouls. When it’s beneficial to turn, they will.

I’d rather move to Guatemala.


The 4D chess conspiracy nut in me imagines a scenario where Pelosi told them if it were up to her, she’d impeach the mfer today, but out of respect for her Republican colleagues, she’s giving them the two-week recess to find enough cover to get rid of Trump.

I mean wasn’t the plan to vote by Thanksgiving? This gloom and doom seems a bit far-fetched. Pelosi gave the WH until tomorrow to comply. And apparently the WH is going to send Pelosi a letter tomorrow saying they want a vote to impeach before handing over documents.

That was their plan when the whistleblower complaint was fresh. A LOT has happened since then. It should move much quicker than that now, as waiting two months now seems unfeasible based on current conditions and scandals breaking nearly constantly. They’ll have more than enough evidence by next Friday when the fired Ukraine ambassador is deposed. Hopefully they’ll move right away when they get back, but we should still go under the assumption that it will be a little before Thanksgiving and anything sooner will be a bonus.

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Thanksgiving is basically 6 weeks away now. So we already getting close as it is. I’m all for bundling up everything in the next 4-6 weeks before voting on it rather than rushing it.

Let’s say they held the vote last week on Ukraine. What would have happened w/ Trump talking about China today? A separate impeachment vote? Not sure how it works.

It’s almost exactly 7 weeks until Thanksgiving.

They’d probably just send another article down while awaiting trial. But this is probably why they wanted to wait a little bit too. They probably wanted to see what his reaction would be and how many more crimes he would commit out of idiocy while they look into it. The big thing here is that probably any other president in history would have resigned after the Ukraine scandal broke, and none of this would be necessary. We live in special times, and he surrounds himself with very special people who are willing to go down with the sinking ship (except Perry evidently…lol).

I think they should move on the Ukraine and ancillary stuff related to that ASAP, and keep going on the rest of the inquiry through him being removed from office (if they convict him on all the stuff in Ukraine that doesn’t stop the other investigations which are needed for future legislation).

It’s also lost in the news cycle that we should have at least one and maybe multiple major rulings coming down in the next 2 weeks from courts (McGahn/Barr/Ross and probably some of the financial stuff). I’m sure they’d love to wait until that McGahn ruling comes down before moving, and the question is how long that will be. They expected early to mid October, and here we are. Should be really soon. We’ll get to see if Pelosi tanked their case with how she handled opening the official impeachment inquiry.

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Yea I wonder how much pressure (if any) Trump is getting to resign. Like you said, any other President would have stepped down in shame. Not this one LOL.

Would Thanksgiving political discussions be more fun if they were about the impending impeachment vote or the impeachment vote that just happened?

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