The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Nah bro

He forget most people didn’t vote for him?



As he ‘learns’

Reminds me of that scene from the movie 48 Hours, wherein Eddie Murphy’s character is in that shit-kicker bar, wearing a cowboy hat, sucking on a toothpick and busting up the place.

Frisking some dude and relieving him of a wad of cash, he asks, “Where’d you get this money?”

The guy says, “Tax return,” and instantly Murphy responds, “Bullshit, you’re too stupid to have a job.”

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That urgent meeting tomorrow must be worrying the fuck out of him. I mean the dude is straight up suggesting he’s a dictator and he’s going to clamp down on anyone that tries to overthrow him.

He probably thinks a coup d’etat is some kind of Cadillac.


Also think those tweets are a direct response to the urgent meeting tomorrow. I think it’s gonna be big.

Trump must be the easiest man on the planet to hate. All these republican clowns who’ve had to bite their tongues for years and pretend to respect him must be secretly pining for the day they get to see him crucified.

Even with all the usual lol nothing matters disclaimers, it must surely be true that the second it becomes apparent to these cowards that standing against Trump is preferable to standing alongside him there will be a Julius Caesar style queue several miles long. And what a sight that will be.


Counter, Eric. I’m not sure hate is the right word, so you’ve got me there, but Eric’s face is infinitely more punchable.

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First they took errr jerbs and now errr wall? FUCK THAT! MAGA.
( twitter | raw text )

u mad bro?

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I frucking hope so

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ROFL the President of the United States just tweeted a video that includes an unbleeped “motherfucker”.

What a time to be alive!

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That was a good movie and you don’t hear “shit kicker” enough these days, so props



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Joint Pelosi/Schiff presser tomorrow morning.

Is this Stedman guy legit?

Yes Eric

Pelosi’s involvement is of course worrisome