The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS


I was going to say that this is one of Nateā€™s most respected pollsters, but I confused NBC/WSJ with ABC/WaPo. NBC/WSJ is still A- rated, though.

It amazes me Trump continues to push the angle that the whistleblower report and the transcript donā€™t match. I canā€™t Imagine how much yes manning went into Trump believing that.

The whistleblower report is almost a completely accurate telling of the transcript. This just emphasizes how far gone anyone who supports Trump on this.
( twitter | raw text )

It took no convincing at all. Trump didnā€™t read either one, nor does he remember the phone call. The dude who brings his cokes could have told Trump he read them both and Trumps phone call was perfect. Everyone else in his administration has to follow along now.




I can confirm that Downer is a dyed in the wool conservative of the born-to-rule, aristocratic variety. Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s an American analogy, heā€™s very much a Tory type. Total teacherā€™s pet, rule-follower. Iā€™m no fan of his political ideas but Iā€™d count on him to be a truthful guy.

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Had to switch to desktop when ā€œIā€™d count on [a Tory type] to be a truthful guyā€ drained my phone battery.

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Theyā€™re famous for javelin missiles and not having a winner of Miss Universe.

Really? Perhaps this will convince you, here is a picture of him in my local newspaper from 1996.


I honestly wonder what percent of america (and the world) understand that being impeached in the United States is not the same thing as removed from office. The russia stuff is so dumb.


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While weā€™re talking Downer, he was a candidate for Liberal (conservative) Party leadership for a while, then during an election campaign where the Liberal slogan was ā€œThe Things That Matterā€, he joked that the partyā€™s domestic violence policy statement would be titled ā€œThings That Batterā€. WHOOPSIES.