The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Here for the civil war, is there a dress code? Do I get a uniform or something?
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Malignant Narccician

Weā€™re blue. Weā€™re not sure if theyā€™re red or gray.

Thank God, red washes me out.

Soros is sending them with the monthly check.

Wait, youā€™re saying Trump acted alone in withholding the aid?

Every time you feel like making a post like this - punch yourself in the dick.

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I know everyone likes to criticize flake for not being tougher vs Trump, but heā€™s an important ally in this fight. Pelosi canā€™t do much to convince Trumpists to open their eyes, but people like Flake and Romney can, and thatā€™s not insignificant.

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Bad posting in response to bad posting doesnā€™t equal good posting.


Itā€™s a cumulative effect. Votes will be changed and/or be miscounted or disappeared, districting is rigged, Iā€™m fairly confident our polling mechanisms have been compromised, and then you have the standard concerted social media/facebook attack and misinformation campaigns.

All of this leads to trump landslide in 2020. He must be impeached, if at the very least to move the needle so far that even very generous polling cannot explain the discrepancy in the result.

What other response is there? Itā€™s ridiculous. This is a place for discussion and he wants to control it or he throws a bitch fit.


Yeah I think Mueller put himself and his own party ahead of his country by intentionally writing up the longest driest report in the history of reports (anybody remember the Ken Starr stuff? It was juicy af) with the most conservative possible reading of the scope of his investigation. He also leaked nothing ever and avoided the press to a crazy extent. Basically everything he could do to protect Trump without actually lying about the facts as he found them he did.

Telling me that itā€™s all Pelosiā€™s fault for not falling on her sword (although Iā€™m not defending her doing exactly the same thing by refusing to do the right thingā€¦ she sucks really bad as well) is silly. Iā€™m not the least bit chastened even if I was a bit drunk and suffering from a cold when I posted what he went off on me about lol.

We donā€™t have time for infighting, weā€™ve got a civil war to prepare for!


The only appropriate response to Jeff Flake:


The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Arrest for Treason?


If Trump gets impeached or removed from the 2020 ticket, would a Warren/X ticket lose to something like Kasich/Flake? Legit question and legit concern here.

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Theyā€™re too far down the road of appeasement to try to turn the battleship around now. Any semi-reasonable candidate has been trashed by conservative media for 3 years. They hate moderate Republicans every bit as much as liberals.

I honestly think their best strategy is to go all in on the crazy and rely on cheating to hold power.