The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

And I oop!

Fox News reaches like 5% of voters. There is limited reason to live in fear of that. Iā€™m far more concerned with the Sinclair monopoly on local news, which has gone vastly under reported and is far more toxic. There are tens of millions of olds watching Sinclair local stations who never watch Fox News.

( twitter | raw text )

There was something about this in WaPo today, but Fox News primetime is watched by ~1% of the American public.

I donā€™t think the Republican senate will ever do the right thing but in the event he was impeached I could totally see Trump calling his supporters into the streets. But they get tired after like half a day and just go to Cracker Barrel. Here is the thing - your Uncle who loves Trump and wonā€™t shut up about civil war has no real intention to going into the streets and fighting. Itā€™s real to him dammit but his war is watching youtube videos at home with the air conditioner on 75.


Ironic that Trump claims with all his heart that there was no attempt to intimidate the President of Ukraine. At the same time heā€™s demanding the ID of the WB. For what reason if not to intimidate him?


A thousand or so posts ago, I noted that the House going on recess wasnā€™t necessarily a bad thing - just let things go from a simmer to a slow boil and see if Moscow Mitch would decide itā€™s time to slip the shiv into Donny. Heā€™s not stuck yet - but the blade is outā€¦

The biggest tell would be if Mitch OKā€™d a secret ballot - that way no one can be tagged as the Trump-impeacher - but out he goes. Weā€™ll see.


Just to pile on Mueller a bit, just noticed this news item from a few days ago. Judge threw out the conviction b/c of insufficient evidence. Looks like some actual cooperation from ā€œcooperating witnessā€ Michael Flynn might have come in handy.

Absolutely yes.

Flynn recently shifted to a pardon-based defense strategy with a new set of Fox News type lawyers. The judge will likely give him a real sentence (> 12 months), despite the initial 6 month recommendation, because of the serious accusations (remember, ā€œdid you consider charging this guy with treason?ā€) and lack of actual cooperation.

How is a pardon based strategy looking now? Think Trump will be issuing any more pardons with impeachment pending?

And, again, I donā€™t give a shit whether the Senate convicts. I just want everyoneā€™s vote on the record; I want to see Trump squirm for the next year while more rats flee the ship; and I want an extended period of serious investigation (and obstruction) to break through the low info ā€œcentristsā€ who voted for Trump in the first place. How off the rails does Trump go if Rasmussen reports 43% approval? Bigly.

You know why the Volker guy quit his job as special liaison for Ukraine so abruptly? Itā€™s because he has a story to tell, and if heā€™s an employee of the executive branch they can instruct him to keep quiet. If heā€™s no longer an employee, they are much more limited in what they can do. Heā€™ll be testifying this coming week.


Uh, I definitely think Trump might start firing off a bunch of pardons, esp. if removal from office looks either inevitable or impossible.

If the House started a process to try to pass a constitutional amendment curtailing the presidentā€™s pardoning power (explicitly banning a president from self-pardoning, issuing pardons to family members or close business/political associates), how badly would Trump freak out?

I expect Republicans to vote against it, but maybe the optics have a tiny chance of making enough of them scared enough for it to pass the House?


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I donā€™t think Trump ever committed to figuring out this whole presidency thing.

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David Roth continuing to write the best shit about Trump out there.

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Shes funny.