The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

They weren’t a real Gold Star family.


Is that the purple heart he conned off the vet?

I bet John Kerry loves that tweet.

If Muslim bans are legal now, can we push for a MAGA ban?

More likely to be killed by a tRUmp supporter than an Islamic jihadist.


National Bone Spurs Day is next week.

Is any of this actually a thing or is it people speculating / conspiracy theorizing? I’m not familiar with any of the names

Chris Vickery, @VickerySec, is the only credible account in that string, the rest are exercising in speculation.

The very fact these people have dedicated servers on Russian soil that are completely out of American Intelligence oversight is mind blowing.

But that woman’s emails

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They remember when the fake news accused him of it, but he loves the United States military more than anyone who has ever walked the face of the earth, even more than the Romans.

In fairness to Trump, if he wasn’t allowed to golf during the funerals of victims of mass shootings, he’d never be able to get 18 holes in.


That kind of explains why he was so touchy about moscow mitch. To bad the DOJ will be to busy looking into Hillary’s unsecured emails to look into GOP servers accessible, by law, to Russian intelligence.

The people writing this part of our timeline are just fucking with me now…unbelievable.
( twitter | raw text )

Very solemn day with the victims, I see.

Edit: How the heck do you quote on this site?

it’s nearly impossible and the people who took power have no interest in fixing it


[quote=“beetlejuice, post:802, topic:91”]it’s nearly impossible and the people who took power have no interest in fixing it[/quote].

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It’s easy, gregorio even made videos walking you through it.

Highlight text and click the quote button that pops up or click reply on a post then click the speech bubble in the top left of the reply box to quote the whole post.

Also as you can see in smacc’s post above the quote tags have to be on their own lines for some silly reason so it has to be
[ quote ]
words words words
[ /quote ]

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and Donny says the quiet part about the media out loud. I’m sure the MSM appreciates you telling their secrets, Donny!