The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

So Schiff can take a page out of Rush Limbaugh’s book and exaggerate for theatrical effect? Fuck that bullshit.

He wasn’t exaggerating for theatrical effect. He was explaining what Trump really meant and that there was a clear quid pro quo implied even if not explicitly stated. And he made it clear that this is what he was doing.

Jesus dude, mainline some more right wing spin.

This is a good reference

That movie messed me up for like a month


All he had to do is point at the fucking scoreboard. Who am I arguing with here? Some shithead millennial who’s parents gave him everything and made sure he knew he was awesome? Jesus Fucking Christ.

That is one hell of a sentence, and in the spirit of that dense sentence, I proclaim that I do mean both meanings of sentence.


That’s a fantastic question.

Your read on me is about as accurate as your read on this situation. Moron.

It’s technically not treason to not give a **** about russian interference. He’d have to join them for that.

Get him the **** out of there obviously but people are throwing ridic words around. He just doesn’t care about this country and never did.

Did somebody turn on the cuss filter?

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Lol @ you for giving even the tiniest fuck about what right wingers are saying. What Schiff said was fine. Hannity is going to peddle in outrage regardless. Seriously, Dems spend way too god damned much time worried about how Fox will spin shit.


Careful man lest he insists on seeing your credentials.

At least you got to keep both arms

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But who are you asking?

It sure as fuck wasn’t me.


I think the treason was in sharing his views on interference with the Russians, not the view itself.

Great response. Shows a real capacity to advance your position with a solid argument. Douche.

I’d like to report shats fired.


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Jesus. You small minded fucks don’t get it at all. I don’t watch or know what Hannity is peddling. Giving FOX anything to spin is fucking stupid and counter productive. You all need a huge ass kicking to bring you back to reality.