The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Secret transcript from inside the Situation Room: Oh no, Mooch is simply too well put together. Whoā€™s just the right amount of trainwreck? Ah, thatā€™s right. Rudy.


ā€œMake Love to me. I am Cornholio!ā€


0.0 MBS isnā€™t wasting his time with orange. They put on some random dude, and fatburger is none the wiser. All the accents are the same anyways


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Guy in row in front of me in first class is mainstreaming Sean on his laptop.

Will be interesting if/when fox decides to save its corporate kneck. Drudge is much more balanced in its links of late.

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Now jay seculow is on Hannity. Thatā€™s gotta be entertaining.

If everything is gonna start coming out, they need to get Trump away from the nuclear codes. Being :100: serious.

I just flicked on Fox because Iā€™m in a hotel and I could only watch about 1 minute of Hannity. Everything about it is insane. The headline on the screen was something like DEMS BLIND RAGE LEADS TO UKRAINE WITCH HUNT IMPEACHMENT INSTEAD OF BIDEN.

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Donā€™t worry, theyā€™re being held safely in Moscow.

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Legit surprised Sekulow hasnā€™t jumped ship. Ty Cobb really knew how to get out while the gettingā€™s good.


A U.S. Army official formerly in charge of all White House communications at Mar-a-Lago was sentenced to three years of probation on Friday after he made false statements to a federal agent during a child pornography investigation.

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Tan suit, tho

Literal treason.

The Russia stuff is very unsurprising. This is coming from the same guy who said ā€œa lot of killers in this countryā€ when confronted with Russiaā€™s murderous ways.

So at the end of the day, weā€™re just going to find out that Trump is who we thought he was. We called it. Everybody called it.

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Lame response. Fuckheads gonna fuckhead, so lets provide ammo? WAAF.

Probably just regular 'old kiddie porn, but because we live in the strangest timeline and because Iā€™ve seen too many spy movies, I hope that some steganography experts have checked out the photos that the Mar A Lago comms guy was uploading to sketchy Russian websitesā€¦

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( twitter | raw text )

The point was that theyā€™re going to take and use any response as ammo. They just make up lies. Their response to this was a lie.

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Weā€™re not so innocent

Iā€™m not sure if Rudy was on tv today, but I think mentally heā€™s at that part in Requiem for a Dream where the Ellen Burstyn character has an amphetamine fueled psychotic break, and the people from the TV start circling menacingly and the refrigerator comes alive to eat her.

Pretty soon heā€™ll be wandering about Hannityā€™s set dressed like this muttering ā€œIā€™m going to be on Television, Iā€™m going to be on Televisionā€
