The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

If Pence has any exposure at all, isn’t it likely he would resign? That would allow the Republicans to replace him with another Republican who could then take over when Trump either resigns or is convicted in the Senate.

How high would it have to be do you think? 2016 had the most votes in a presidential election and in terms of % of voters is in the top 3 of the last 12 elections.

The fact people claiming they’re independent went from 48% 2016 exit polls to his current support level of 34% is more of a bad sign for Trump.


“Are the Dems really taking 2 weeks off?”

I’ve thought about this and in a vacuum, it’s a lousy idea - but I can see an argument for letting this simmer for a week or two, considering the players involved.

Trump is going to shoot himself in the foot, reload, and keep firing on the topic. ESPECIALLY if the dems who aren’t on vacation can manage to keep up a steady supply of new bad shit maybe every other day. It’ll drive him out of his fucking mind, and who knows what sort of Twitter admissions it leads to.

It also gives some of the other players time to consider their options - Rudy to figure out the best way to throw Trump under the bus to save his wrinkled ass - he’s evil and partially senile, but not so far gone that he doesn’t have some sort of horrendous crap he can use as bargaining chips if he thinks he needs them. And Moscow Mitch gets to calibrate just at what point he signals that it’s time to cut losses and shiv Donald.

So, we’ll see.



There’s no way republicans will allow one of Trump/Pence to go down without a replacement VP already confirmed.

Nancy should have offered to end all investigation into Trump, his family, and his company and promise not to work with any states that investigate him as long as he resigns by the end of the month otherwise the investigations will ruin everything. And then keep the investigations going after he resigns.


At least he’s expanding his vocab a bit. Instead of a beautiful phone call it’s a perfect phone call.

Although he can’t get too crazy. The liddle’ thing didn’t work out too well.

That’s liddle-- you fake news hack.


Nunnehi returns as the dotard gets 'peached, we must prepare an adequate welcome



Giuliani cancels paid appearance next week at Kremlin-backed conference

Giuliani, who confirmed to The Washington Post Friday morning that he would attend the event, reversed himself Friday evening after The Post reported on his participation in the meeting, which Russian President Vladi­mir Putin and other top Russian officials are expected to attend.

The two-day conference is sponsored by Russia and the Moscow-based Eurasian Economic Union, a trade alliance launched by Putin in 2014 as a counterweight to the European Union.

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Putin is actively screwing him over…

I took that “Kremlin hopes that Trump won’t release Trump/Putin phone calls” as one mafia boss to the other - “nice presidency you have there - be a shame if something happened to it” - be nice if Putin was the one to stick a fork in the stable genius.


Rudy Giuliani, the Scooby Doo villain who shows up at the unmasking already unmasked accidentally.


Yeah there’s no chance the democrats don’t get those Putin trump calls now. And Putin just told us that they are incredibly humiliating.

I have a feeling Rudy realized these Russian guys might not be entirely trustworthy

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There’s no way republicans will allow one of Trump/Pence to go down without a replacement VP already confirmed.

Meh, that’s OK.

When Nixon went down, they gave Ford the job, who was a pretty likable sort and from what I remember wasn’t viewed especially poorly by the dems. He still lost the upcoming election, and who the fuck is the GOP going to run that isn’t a festering turd of a human being? Haley, maybe? Superficially she seems OK, but I don’t really know anything about her.


Michelle Goldberg is really good.

Bill Barr not recusing is just mega LOL, this dude belongs in jail.

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Bill Barr is a stone cold lock to be doing time by 2021.

I assume trump made never recusing necessary for employment.

I’m old enough to remember listening to Preet podcasts where they laughed heartily at the thought of Sessions not recusing. We were so innocent then.


I’m not the only one who has a noticed the change at Drudge: