The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I’m more optimistic than I was even days ago, but this is nowhere close to a given.

Trump is only as fucked as establishment Dems are able to fuck him. Modern history has shown that they aren’t very good fuckers.


Putin is actively screwing him over and part of the investigation is definitely that he’s been hiding these kinds of conversations for a while now. There’s a very good chance that he’s been so cringe worthy and humiliating for our country that the words that have come out of his mouth with foreign leaders make him indefensible even with core GOP voters.

Everyone has a limit and it helps people get past cognitive dissonance if they can claim (in their own heads at least) that they didn’t know and woke up when new information arrived. Public opinion can move really fast in some situations.


There’s a strategy, folks, and it sounds reasonable. Also, my rep is not a useless fuckwit.

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If you want to trigger the Trumpers in your life, tell them you’re pretty sure both Trump and Pence will be removed from office by Christmas, so they’d better get used to the idea of a President Pelosi!


This is a narrow minded take. Whether the parody was obvious or not does not matter. It wasn’t necessary and having to listen to these fuckheads pretend it was a serious reading of the transcript and respond with faux outrage is pissing me off.

Don’t forget we have all the obstruction that undoubtedly took place when the whitehouse realized the wb complaint was going to go public.

They undoubtedly hid or destroyed all sorts of other stuff.

If they can get a full vote before thanksgiving I will give them a thumbs up.


During the last election he said that Hillary should be murdered if she wins because she’ll take your guns. Counting on the American people to vote Trump out because of this is optimistic.

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He hates corruption, so he withheld the $400m and placed his personal lawyer as the point man for this favor… then people in his administration decided to try and cover up the phone calls even though they they were perfect phone calls.

The majority of the American people did not vote. Trump got something like 22% of the vote when you take into account the nonvoters. He also lost the actual vote by 3 million. If voter turnout is high, Trump is gone.

Yea and I think this is why Trump released the transcript and allowed the WB to be unclassified. He really thinks his transparency absolves him of any crimes when in reality, it does the opposite. That’s why he was so surprised Dems ramped up the impeachment stuff after being transparent. No wonder he thinks this is all a witch hunt and people are out to get him. Then on top of all that, he surrounds himself with sycophants that tell him what he wants to hear. The marbles rolling around in his brain are going haywire.

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After a conversation with Pelosi, he apparently thought that he had negotiated holding off on impeachment and was shocked to see it announced.

The art of the deal, folks.


And here we go.

The outrage at Schiff is silly. I’m actually thankful for his satisfying-to-read use of language. Trump communicating via text or the spoken word is a legit health hazard.

Regardless, our political opposition would never recognize us for responsibility. And they don’t need any ammunition. They manufacture outrage 24/7. Arrive at this understanding, please.


For sure. It’s a true victim mentality.

If he hides conversations that are none of our business, we condemn his privacy as a coverup.

If he releases conversations that are perfectly fine, we condemn the conversations as corrupt.

The idea that he might have done something wrong isn’t a possibility for him.

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lol Trump no chaser is no way to go through life.

Writing this type of letter makes a lawyers’ day.


You guys inject that shit into your veins don’t you? On a Friday night too LOL.

Why does it you ask? It’s naturally and historically Ukrainian, however the power plants designs and everything were in Russian and built by Russia so they had to bring in Russians to work there since Ukrainians don’t speak Russian. That’s the main reason for the high Russian population.

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