The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

China always had the upper hand in a trade war. They just stop buying American agriculture products and buy them elsewhere or switch to different foods while American consumers pay the tariffs on stuff that they can’t source elsewhere. And the stuff they can source elsewhere now comes from Vietnam and Indonesia doing nothing for the total trade deficit.

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At least most likely Barron will just spend his days online trolling rather than actually screwing up things.

Wait till he learns that they have more people than the US that will work for almost free and 2 times as hard. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

20 years for MAGA bomber. Attorneys argued he was radicalized by Trump.

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Wait til he visits 8chan

A federal judge on Monday heard more than two hours of arguments regarding whether a less-redacted version of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the Russia investigation should be released.

The proceeding stemmed from consolidated lawsuits filed by Buzzfeed News reporter Jason Leopold and the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), both of whom sought unredacted versions of the report via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filings.

As lawyers for the Department of Justice argued in favor of not releasing a fuller version of the report, Federal District Judge Reggie Walton seemed particularly incredulous of some of their arguments against allowing the public access to portions of the report that remain redacted.

According to a report from The Hill, Walton, an appointee of former President George W. Bush, was concerned about the conduct of Attorney General William Barr in the immediate aftermath of the report’s release and expressed concern that failing to disclose the reasons for prosecutorial decisions only “undermines even further” the public’s trust in the criminal justice system.

“I do have some concerns because it seems to me difficult to reconcile the contents of the Mueller report and statements made by the attorney general [about the report],” Walton said of Barr’s 4-page summary of the Mueller report. (Barr stated that Mueller had determined there had been “no collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia.)

@kre8tive maybe a tweetable article :joy::v:

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Can you do one of John Delaney and see if you get Joe Biden?

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A chilling vision of our dark future.
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omg this lou dobbs is like, melting

Fuckin’ NYT.

lol i’m sure on page 2 they explain he actually blamed the fake news failing new york times as well as democrats for not doing the things the terrorist wanted. trump literally has founded an isis-like terrorist group. he did the thing he said the other person did, again. again!

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I’ve read probably <20 NYT’s articles since 2016… And I used to be a subscriber in college. They seem to have really weird framing for literally everything. I would say that they were trying to be unbiased and objective but they have a massive skew from Bloomberg (my own favorite way to grade newspaper truthiness) on facts.

“Hitler Urges Humane Treatment of Jews”

That dude who consumes zero news is a god damn genius.

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If the dotard finds out why #MyPresident is trending, he may tweet out the n-word tomorrow morning.

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