The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

They say Democrats live in fantasy land, lol, even with the effects slowing down their economy they still had 6.2% growth in their GDP which happens to be the lowest for them in 27 years.

While they may be feeling it, it’s by no means on the “brink of collapse.”

Sort of. The Trump economic “strategy” seems to be a combination of magic beans and bullshit, but the PRC REALLY doesn’t want growth to slow - I’d guess this devaluation is an attempt to jerk Trump back to some sort of rational behavior in terms of his tariff strategy. Problem is that (of course) he’s a fucking idiot, so who knows how he’ll react.


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Totally believable. :roll_eyes:

Now if we can just tie that gun reform to immigration reform for that one people…

I believe that was the equivalent of the Q sign, giving his supporters the wink that everything’s A OK.

I don’t wanna even imagine how it’s being said amongst his crowd, “tie into immigration” after 1 of their own just committed mass murder.

So they’re falling all over themselves condemning white supremacy > 2 years after Charlottesville, like they’ve been against it all along

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Lol the 8chan incels must have their heads exploding at the video games stuff.


Picking and choosing which Trump things to take seriously is a skill they’ve long since mastered, they all know that when he talks about video games he actually means (thing they dislike).

He could sit there reading a list of names calling them losers and they’d all be telling themselves “He must be talking about some other Thadeus von Loser IV, not me!”

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I dunno, if they have a single issue, that’s probably the one. If any meaningful (or even symbolic) crackdown on gaming ensues it’ll be a meltdown of unbelievable proportions.

Booker can fuck right off with his “in my faith” pandering.

Take a look at the AIDS that is the_donald, their single issue is basically Trump=good, liberals=bad. For example, here’s a thread claiming that THE MEDIA is behind the video games shit, and this genius in the comments:

Can someone explain the video game thing? Some gaming subs are jumping at the idea that POTUS said it. But, I’ve only seen him talk about mental health. Unless the video game comment is being taken out of context. But, I haven’t heard the specific quote in or out of context. Kind of frustrating, since they just run with it and feed into the leftist bs more. Losers.

They’re delusional.

this is the young person version of, “i only follow conservative media and i didn’t know there was anything negative about the president in the mueller report”

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So both KY Senators are “too hurt” to make appearances for their constituents over summer recess. Convenient.

in a bipartisan manner, we must quickly fund construction on the wall, cut legal immigration and fund ICE to remove all illegals from inside our country. that’s how we honor the memory of this shooter, uh and the victims. the great victims. the wonderful victims who the democrats have really let down by allowing open borders so these illegal animals can invade our country.


Simple. He’s intentionally tanking the stock market but letting certain people know in advance so they can prepare for it.


Lol, no he isn’t. The Chinese are shitting on his face, and Trump’s in dangerous territory with the election if Wall Street decides to run away from his AIDS. None of it is good for him.

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TFW you’re deep into a trade war and finally realize that china has a different monetary system than we do, allowing them to completely negate their costs for any tariffs you can impose on them

Yeah to me at least this reads like the Chinese finally getting exasperated and taking the gloves off. The reality is that they have some deleveraging to do at some point. Devaluing the Yuan is a good way to deal with that while dealing a significant blow to Trumps reelection chances.

The global economy really is primed for a recession super hard. It would be a disaster for the Chinese if it happened after the election and Trump got reelected. If they can make it happen sooner they’re going to do that.

EDIT: To be clear I’m not suggesting that we’ll all be on easy street trade wise just because a Democrat gets elected… but it’s becoming very obvious to anyone paying attention that negotiating with Trump is a fucking nightmare. Not because he’s a ‘great negotiator’ but because he’s an incoherently terrible one who has zero credibility. He’ll do a deal with you on Friday and be threatening to pull out on Tuesday over something that was never even in the negotiation Friday. It never ever ends. The best option for anyone negotiating with Trump is to either a) be scamming him or b) walk away. That’s obviously unworkable for the Chinese and he needs to go from their perspective.

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There isn’t one single member of this crew who is worth a shit. You just know Barron is already a jerkoff.

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Yeah I remember an article on Jared Kushner where he straight up claimed he was a self made man because it was ultimately his decision for his dad’s company to buy a billion dollar building in New York. It’s fucking delusional. Shit when I was promoted to server from busser at my restaurant I knew couldnt have done it without help and thanked several people directly, I mean wtf