The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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Just fucking wow.

Fuck off and die already.
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Now heā€™s threatening us.

When I saw a WaPo snippet about proposing marrying gun legislation to immigration reform, I figured they were paraphrasing or interpreting some random word salad.

Nope, he literally suggested fewer mass shootings if only we get rid of more brown people.

Legislative genius McConnell can surely push through a compromise that simultaneously addresses guns and immigration reform, both intractable issues.

Oh wait, heā€™s heavily medicated and in agony and ā€œworking from home.ā€

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Tweets that havenā€™t aged well. When you underperform the low expectations of your critics, that is some God-tier sucking.
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In his heartfelt tweet about the murder of brown people this weekend, he STILL has to throw a dig in about brown people

I guess those are the consequences of Stephen Miller writing your gun control policy.

Latest conservative dipshit talking point is why isnā€™t violence in Chicago and Detroit being talked about.

lol still took me a second

Now thatā€™s a version of Moscow Mitch that I can support.

Video games! Drink!


Video game ban incomingā€¦