The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS


That took me a minute but got an actual lol when it hit me.

I still don’t


Tots and pears

file name of image gives it away.

It’s what I’m sending turtle face tonight. tots and pears.

August 4, 2019 Note:

While @realDonaldTrump has deleted more than 500 tweets, none of the 13 tweets using the root of the word “invade” nor the 9 tweets using the word “infest” have been deleted. You can use the search on the page to confirm. All are still public and on his Twitter feed.

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Nebraska Senator blasting GOP on Twitter, wake me up when he does something with his power

Divorce your fucking wife before letting us all know how smart and virtuous you are, George.

P.S. you represent America’s largest most soulless corporations so let’s pump the brakes on the sanctimony.


Somebody might have to turn Beto off and back on.

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I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment, yet I was thinking exactly what he is saying.

BIRMINGHAM, Mich.—President Trump’s re-election campaign has a pitch for suburban women: Look past his rhetoric and focus on his record, including the strong economy.

It may not work for women like Patricia Wigman, who lives outside Detroit.

“He shouldn’t be tweeting, and he shouldn’t be opening his mouth,” said Ms. Wigman, 66, of Berkley, who backed Mr. Trump in 2016 but isn’t sold on doing it again. While she cares about the economy, she said she is more concerned about “stuff that comes out of his mouth.”

“There has to be somebody better,” she said.


But WSJ/NBC polling data from the first half of this year reinforces the mounting evidence that suburban women aren’t moving toward the president. Those surveys show that 57 percent disapprove of the job Mr. Trump is doing, compared with 40 percent who approve. On the economy, the split is more narrow, with 49 percent disapproving of Mr. Trump’s work and 47 percent approving. Those disapproval numbers are significantly higher than in the general public.

Another warning sign came in the midterm elections. WSJ/NBC surveys throughout 2018 showed that suburban women favored a Democratic Congress by 17 percentage points. In 2016, they were nearly evenly divided.


Some women who supported Mr. Trump in 2016 said they were very happy with his performance. Deana Okdie, 52, of New Hudson, Mich., said she voted twice for former President Obama, but switched over to the Republican party with Mr. Trump.

“I think he has improved the economy,” she said. “Back in 2008, everybody around was losing their jobs. My home is worth more.”

On the president’s rhetoric, Ms. Okdie was sanguine: “I don’t think his execution is always correct. But I think his intent is correct.”

Ummm the economy was terrible during the recession but now 11 years later her house is worth more, praise trump!



A lot of these olds in swing state got subverted by Cambridge Analytica spam and Russian fake news. Good stuff.


Sending best wishes to TX from Orange County. Things can change.

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Well, g’bye.
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