The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Wasn’t the LV shooter a millionaire? He certainly wasn’t a loser in the capitalistic sense.

There’s another mass shooting in Ohio btw

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My read on him was that he was angry and embittered and may have had some sort of neural trauma. Like, the original Texas tower shooter had a brain tumor pushing against the wrong part of his brain.

In my sense of “loser”, if you believe something like “i’m a human and other people are humans and they are just trying to live their lives and be content and I should root for them and not be selfish or narcissistic”, then you aren’t a loser and chances are most people you meet will like you and you’ll have friends in environments conducive to making friends, etc.

The brainwashed losers are the ones who think they’re in some kind of battle vs much of humanity. I’m reminded that Charlie Mason thought a race war was a’comin.

OTOH, it is a “small numbers” phenomenon that is made possible by 350m people and like 600m guns plus Trumpian toxicity. More of the hopeless in the world don’t turn to hate, they kill themselves with fentynal or guns, but the Trump environment encourages people to go out shooting brown people. Then again, the shooters aren’t middle aged people who got unlucky in an unforgiving world, they’re kids with warped minds.

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If you ignore nun. That all stops.

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did you win?
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )



Damn that’s good

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He blessed them with machine gun fire.

I had to get to the hashtag before I knew exactly what that tweet was referencing.

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Its not even merely “Thoughts and prayers” as in a sweeping under the rug, its basically “WORSHIP GOD YOU HEATHENS!”, a political opportunity to bolster support with evangelicals.

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His tweets about the shooting in El Paso make it absolutely 100% clear he didn’t have anything to do with writing them. The non-violent (yet) low-key (so far) white supremacists get to feel a little warmer inside that maybe they’re not supporting literal Hitler Jr, but the rest of them know exactly where the POTUS stands.

Looks like he was really beat up about the shooting in El Paso, this was no more than 12 hours later

Just working to increase the value of his private business while president, nbd

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Still grunching this thread but also meant to point out yesterday that President McDeals has yet to make a single deal as president, he just ripped up some old ones.

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