The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I’d just like to read and follow this thread, or any threads, without having to read meandering pointless piles of shit. Why no one else is saying anything is beyond me. It’s excruciating.

I don’t know how well the ignore feature works but I guess we’ll find out.

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just scroll if you don’t want to read it.

nunhi evidently feels the need to vent his tirades, and why not here? it’s a better spot than most places. like OurHouse (rip), i agree with almost everything he posts so whatever. just scroll and say to yourself, “yeah i probably agree with this in general” and you’re on to something more interesting in like a second


Moscow Mitch get ratio’d hard on his El Paso tweet gives me a glimmer of hope.

Keep seeing this. Not sure what it means. Help required

When you have more negative comments than retweets on twitter I presume.

The bickering is 10x worse than any bad individual post

Discourse is great, it even blocks the quotes. So we’re all good. The worst part of shitty prolific posters is they always got constantly quoted even if you had them ignored you had to read that crap.
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

wow that’s as close as he’s ever gotten to condemning white nationalism

Tweets are set up like Comments/Retweets/Likes.
A normal tweet from someone famous is like
200 comments/300 retweets/3,000 likes.

When they say something stupid like Moscow Mitch, it’s like
10,000 comments/200 retweets/100 likes.

Basically, if you have more comments than likes, you probably said something really stupid.

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Comments vs likes. Likes are low effort, so you’ll get a lot of them on tweets that are worthy of them. If you have more comments it’s a statistical certainty that they’re negative, otherwise most of them would’ve just hit the like button. If your ratio of comments to likes is significantly higher than 1, you should rethink your choices in life.

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Usually tweets get many more likes than comments because it’s less time investment and often “I like this” is all people wanted to say. If your comments to likes ratio is up over 1, it means that not only did more people think you or your tweet sucked than liked it, but they were so strongly of that opinion that they were willing to take time out of their day to tell you so. So getting “ratiod” tends to mean you are a bad poster and should feel bad.

Edit: Heh, master’s post sat there for an hour and then three of us gave identical explanations in the space of like a minute.

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He’s not a white nationalist as in “We need to kill black people and advance the white race” like white supremacists are. He’s just a racist asshole that wants minorities to “stay in their lane” and STFU about authoritarianism.

Look at how he’s buddies w/ people like Tiger Woods, Mariano Rivera, and Kanye West.

Trump would have absolutely no problem with Ivanka marrying Tiger b/c Tiger is a famous billionaire. But he would disown her if she married some broke black guy that she was legit in love with.

Online loser culture is so weird. Seems almost like something genuinely new.

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I know a lot of these types. They live really sad, empty lives most of the time. They need someone to blame for being so shitty at everything so whatever the popular scapegoat of the moment is, that lets them feel victimized they will cling to it. Remember anonymous? It was mostly these same guys. At the time it was the cool loserboy thing to hate the federal govt. now it’s white nationalism. It’s not a coincidence anon evaporated when trump was elected.

I am always wondering how many of them generally believe in the stuff they post, or are just completely lost and gullible to whatever propaganda gets shoved down their throats.

And there’s a LOT of white nationalist propaganda that has creeped into online loser culture via memes. I could Probably write a thesis on that topic alone.

I’d guess maybe 50% are some form of believers and maybe the rest lesser believers/trolls/edgelords, and maybe 1-5% who are so fucked in the head they’d actually do something. It’s the social dynamic that’s weird. There’s always been weird losers, but places like 8chan allow them to gather and feed their hate and alienation, while being reinforced and encouraged and channeling it into destruction by the mini-me Steve Bannons or whatever of the community. It’s weird and disturbing.

I mean if you want to be honest, most of us here are on the “loser spectrum.” I can’t be the only one that 8 tabled online poker for hours before BF lol. I also live alone, never been married, nor have kids. But I’m not bitter and angry at the world and I don’t think most people are. Hell, other than a cop having a gun, I never even seen one. I just don’t live in that world.

But when there’s 350 million people in America, even 0.1% is 350K people. In the end, it probably comes down to a numbers game


Well, what constitutes a loser? i think at least most of us are pretty educated and have careers of some sort. These types definitely have neither.