The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

roflmao omg

Shhh, you’re ruining the joke with logic.

Jesus F. Christ


It’s hard to think of a dumber human invention than prayer.


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… and Nancy Pelosi is basically praying for his health and happiness every Sunday.


Whoever was able to convince the other protohumans that all their troubles could be fixed by asking an invisible man for help was pretty smart. The guy who convinced them he had direct contact with the invisible man was the one that really changed the game, though.

The last minute was actually good messaging. They should stick to hitting that over and over and over.

Dems couldn’t come up with a stronger word than “improperly?” LOLDems forever and ever.

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Well they wouldn’t want to sound like they’re accusing the Republicans of anything, gotta focus on that bipartisanship.

According to this schlub, we got em guise.

This is the thing that is going to bring it all tumbling down. Just like the access hollywood tape, sharing intelligence with spies in the oval office and the Mueller Report.

FFS, when will anybody actually learn.


roflmao omg

Dude who made that video has some other amazing ones. This is the first one I saw where he deep-faked the dialogue.

My favorites are the Bill Hader interview where he does Schwarzenegger impressions and the series where Jack Nicholson’s face is swapped with Jim Carrey’s in The Shining.

Or they’re just going to claim executive privilege, and eDems will give long lectures and whine and write strongly worded letters and then take their case to the American people in 2020, but we’ll never know what he promised and who he promised it to.

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I, for one, am shocked that this happened again to Dems. Quite the coincidence! Both sides!

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Are there any particularly hard of hearing Senators the Republicans could tap to transcribe the tapes, perhaps?

A worthless bill that does nothing to prevent tampering might actually make it to a vote. Yay!

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Democrats, we govern by strongly worded letters,