The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

No chance they pick a senator from even a remotely purple-ish state who has been elected through 2022.

It’s amazing how many farmers are willing to trade their livelihood to have racism more open and normalized.

“Money sure would be nice, but nothing beats the president being an open white supremacist!!”

nailed it

I agree with you. That was a ‘should’ post for ‘normalcy’, not a what will happen post.
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Something about the dumb way he’s holding his mouth in that picture somehow makes his face more punchable.

I still cannot get over the fact how fucking horrible his suits fit. Like I understand he’s a fat guy. I’m a fat guy. I can wear a suit that looks respectable when necessary. The president of the country should be able to as well. (As long as it’s not a tan suit obv).

He’s worn suits that fit well, so he knows they exist he just thinks looking like a kid wearing his dad’s suit is a slimming look.

I have decided my survival strategy for the next 15 months is going to be paying attention to politics but do so as if trump does not exist. I’m not going to read about him or watch stories about him. To the best of my ability I will live a trump-free life. Of course, it won’t really be possible but I intend to try my hardest.

Pay attention to brexit instead


I’m in the same boat. That fat fuck is dead to me as far as I’m concerned. The only time I hear about him is here for the most part and it’s b/c of the bot. I won’t read any articles about him and I rarely watch the news on TV as it is.

I’m amused by Ratcliffe’s fate because he was the guy at the Mueller hearing re-enacting A Few Good Men demanding to know where the exoneration power was written down. If Mueller had included it on his resume I guess it would have been fine.

His big moment ended up with a pile of spittle on his lip.

i mean wtf jake did you ask this person a follow up of “why won’t you say this publicly i think it would mean a lot more” or at least “on behalf of the american people fuck you”? these people just need to be outed by the media. i want a cnn article leaking all of the sources from msnbc or whatever

Old people will be the death of us.

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