The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

He’s been on the record forever (he ran on it as you stated), but was listed at number 85 of 117 in the CNN list. He was the last person listed before the vote to table the Al Green impeachment resolution, but CNN’s reporting missed him because they didn’t think it was important to update it until they started tracking after that vote.

We came back and said it turned out he was on the list after research less than an hour after you posted about it.

Spokesman Zach Helder said that Rouda has “stated that if the White House did not show a good faith effort to comply with Congressional subpoenas by July 1, than he would support an effort to open an impeachment inquiry on that basis were it to be considered by the House.”

Wow, nunnehi, you condescending ass, I totally forgot about that whole exchange!
( twitter | raw text )

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Lol according to the AP he’s released until the court returns a verdict on August 14 so I doubt he’s on his way back to the usa.

I had to do a double take and make sure this was not one of those fake tweets people post from time to time. Amazing.


who cares, mr Rocky could serve two years in Swedish solitary now and Trump’s voters will still be crediting the dotard with securing his freedom.

Do you really think most of his base will approve of letting this guy out?

It’s one thing to give a white guy who murdered children freedom, but this rapper is the real menace to society in their eyes.
( twitter | raw text )

nah, not if their Orange God Emperor says otherwise
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Yes, because it proves they’re not racist.

Racists say lots of stupid things claiming to not be racist, doesn’t make it true.

Of course they don’t actually care or approve but they love having something like this to be able to say “If Trump’s such a racist why’d he help free A$AP Rocky?” even though he also had nothing to do with the release.

That’s the thing, they will always argue in bad faith so there is no use in worrying about what republicans will say.

Fuck em, and if they do open the door with a stupid assertation you drive facts and figures right down their throat.

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It’s amazing dude, you have such a persecution complex that softening my language to a point to make it absolutely neutral still reads as condescending to you. I was literally reading my post back to you saying, 'will he take this as a slight? cut, snip, soften, etc… I’m not your enemy.

Here, I’ll be condescending to you since you crave it so much. It will help you calibrate what condescension looks like from me. I am not subtle, no matter how much people want to think I am. You wasted your time yelling at someone who was on your side (Rouda) because you went on a rant that was corrected within the hour of when you posted it after believing fear mongers about him without doing any additional research to find out if your worry was correct. You were so blinded by your anger that you didn’t even notice the corrections. Congrats on doing all that GOTV work on something that wasn’t even necessary. Well done. How do you even manage criticism at work being as sensitive as you are? Not everyone is looking for a fight with you dude, but I’ll now know to steer clear of you. I’m absolutely not going to let the record you put up about incorrect history not be corrected when necessary.

Happy now? Seriously, I’m not being condescending to you and it pisses me off when you say I am. So now you can officially say I’m a condescending ass, because I’m trying to be one in this post. But for the record, I’m not attacking you and have no interest in attacking you. I also haven’t made a single condescending post to you outside of this one where I told you I was being condescending (more condescension just to help you with your fix). Have a nice day.

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This 2 day old post aged well about Ratcliffe. Was a little surprised he got pulled.

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This fucking dumbass has shaved 2% off the stock market in a day with his trade bullshit.