Lol, someone told Donald that the reason all these Republicans were retiring was because of internal party rules.
Yeah. Constituents be damned. If I can’t be a Committee Chairman anymore, I’m quitting Congress.
Elliott are big funders of Republicans , here’s its founder: Paul Singer
Apparently he tried to torpedo Trump’s nomination, but donated a million to his inauguration fund.
Coincidentally, Trump bashes CNN just as they report the US had to extract a Russian who was providing the US with info directly from the Kremlin in 2017. The move came after Trump shared classified info with a couple of Russians in the oval office. CNN says the CIA feared Trump would expose the spy, and so they relocated him for his safety. Trump is doing damage to the country that will take years to overcome. Four more years of this may make it impossible to overcome.
So happy I got to post this before the rest of you:
Hard to keep up with the thread lately but yesterday I literally had to check if I was having a stroke when I saw this headline:
“Laura Ingraham Drinks Steak Impaled With Lightbulbs and Plastic Straws to Own the Libs”
I’ll spare you the link. It’s exactly what it sounds like:
What a world we live in. What actually triggers me is that they think this is innately triggering. It’s so shockingly stupid it becomes offensive.
I guess another way to look at this in a positive way is that liberals trolled her into trying to drink a lightbulb steak through a straw on live tv.
Maybe it’s different in other parts of the country, probably not, but is there anyone under 70 years old who still thinks incandescents are better? CFLs were pretty weak and LEDs used to be very expensive, but at this point does anyone not buy LEDs?
This is how I read it yeah.
Lol I don’t… woops