The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

NBC made a grave error when they didn’t remove him after his birther bullshit. That was all it took to make Trump a nobody from that point forward, but they tolerated it for reasons only known to them. It wasn’t like his show was some kind of ratings juggernaut, but they probably figured the types of people watching the show were the same ones who wouldn’t give a crap or would be for the birther thing.

Stick your head in the sand, you’ll end up happier!

JT is one of the best posters here, the fact that he’s on my side on this makes me that much more confident I’m right.


They tried to get Trump’s taxes and then Mnuchin was just like “lol no” and we’re stuck there.

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I think both would benefit from a Vap pen before posting… :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Nope… Richard Niel can get some from the State of NY.

I maybe fuzzy on some details but some are available right now.

Apologies if I have said this before, but I agree with the Kochs on one thing: our Constitution is in desperate need of a rewrite. Obv we cannot trust anyone aligned with them to run the convention, but it’s irretrievably broken at this point. It always has been; it’s just taken a fascist winning the WH to fully expose it.

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I was bullied frequently. All I’m doing here is beating the drums for realism and logic.

What world have you been living in for the last ~three years?

There are times in human history where the most realistic take IS the most pessimistic take. My take is actually not the most pessimistic on current political times, but it’s close. I maintain that it’s extremely realistic.


I’m the one that’s optimistic. You’re the one who says you need to stick your own head in the sand because you can’t take it.

I have no argument with JT as a poster, and my point stands that he would very likely agree that he is probably one of the most pessimistic posters in relation to the stuff going on/not going on in this country. If he’s fist pounding you as a ‘THIS’, then it means that your take is incredibly pessimistic. Take that for however you’d like.

His point, if I may speak for him, is that we should ALREADY have them. Federal law is clear and unambiguous on this point. But they can just say “lolno” and get away with it because enforcement of our laws is left to the branch which just so happens to be blatantly breaking this and numerous other laws on the reg, with impunity.

You would think Andrew Jackson’s presidency would have exposed the glaring weaknesses in our Constitution and spurred change butnahhh we put Jackson on our twenty and kept on keeping on and here we are.

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I’m sorry to hear that, but I will let you know since people were offended by the indirect nature of my question here that I feel extremely bullied by you. You are constantly belittling me about this. It pisses me off, and it’s a completely unforced error by you.

Fully agree.

I am very doubtful, however, that something like the constitutional convention could ever be recreated in the current era.

Anyone up for a “let’s rewrite the constitution” thread? Could be a fun exercise. Or a complete bust.


Go start it I have thoughts

Opps my bad…

Yes… I agree with that assessment, the rule of law needs to be sorted out before moving forward. :+1:

I want to qualify my response to say that I probably figured out why NBC didn’t shitcan him like it should have. It’s probably about a little show called:

The Voice

They were probably afraid Burnett would walk in solidarity with him (lol). Burnett’s the real piece of work here, and is responsible for a lot of this stuff.

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I’m genuinely sorry you feel that way, but I’ve tried to keep it as pointed criticism at your takes/expectations, nothing personal. I think your takes on impeachment are comically detached from the reality of what’s going on, and I think they need to be criticized as such.

I don’t want to derail this thread any further with our back and forth, so I’ll just leave it at I’m sorry you feel bullied, my intent is only to go after your posting not you. I’ll try to make sure I don’t make any personal attacks, and if I have in the past I’m very sorry.


The quote above is exactly what I’m talking about dude. You’re not correct about this at all.

You make fun of me in literally every post about impeachment. My suggestion to you is have an argument with me where we can hash it out (I’m not at all afraid of doing that as you should know), you know like in the Pelosi impeachment thread as opposed to you making 14 claims of bullshit, laughing, and spiking footballs in end zones that don’t exist yet.

Last thing I’m posting on this but this is some next level gaslighting where we have a poster who literally constantly makes personal attacks because he can’t handle people rightfully criticizing his posting (many in just the last 100 posts at more than just me) complaining about being bullied. I’m too lazy to go find the worst of it which is on the other forum but WTF.

Not to mention if you are a 40+ year old man getting your feefees hurt on a message board that explains a lot.




The memes keep improving

Thank you thank you. Obviously Sharpie missing out on millions of sweet grift money by not using my packaging design.