The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Jr and Eric are managing his businesses. You think they don’t know? There’s a reason he won’t release his tax returns or bank documents.

At one point on Monday, the president went so far as to mischaracterize his own wife’s involvement in his diplomacy. “The first lady has gotten to know Kim Jong-un and I think she’d agree with me, he is a man with a country that has tremendous potential,” he said, referring to North Korea’s leader.

But Melania Trump has never met Mr. Kim, much less gotten to know him. Within a few hours, the White House press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, was forced to release a “clarification” acknowledging that. “While the first lady hasn’t met him,” she said, “the president feels like she’s gotten to know him too.”

When Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, made a surprise visit to Biarritz on Sunday for discussions with the French on the sidelines of the Group of 7 meeting, American officials would not say whether they had advance notice. “No comment,” Mr. Trump said, uncharacteristically.

That led many to assume he had been ambushed and his allies lashed out on his behalf. Nikki Haley, Mr. Trump’s former ambassador to the United Nations, called it “completely disrespectful” and “manipulative of Macron,” referring to President Emmanuel Macron of France. Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, added, “Why would Macron suck up to stone cold killers?”

Lmao don’t you hate people who do that

But then a day later, Trump insisted that no, he had not been ambushed, he had known all along and given it his blessing. In fact, he went even further, declaring himself willing to meet with President Hassan Rouhani of Iran in the next few weeks if Mr. Macron could set up an encounter under the right circumstances.

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It’s not illegal for the executive (the only person who it is not illegal for), but that was obviously based on the idea that no way no how would any president ever never ever not divest him/herself from the businesses that person owns. Time to write new laws to stop this.

Why are you so triggered, snowflake?

the real question is, why did he capitalize Nuclear but not Weapons?

I’m just impressed he didn’t spell it nucular.

There is no scam to small or big for him. That was not even the story about the secret service i remember…

The idea he is giving up money by being president is funny. For one give me a break president grift. For two what are saying your kids you left in charge (he is in charge he is still running things) are incompetent without you.

Obviously ianal but even if it isn’t illegal for Trump himself, it must be illegal for others to knowingly participate in such a scheme, no? Particularly if they also profit? And he must need help to do this since he doesn’t know shit. I mean those people need to have the book thrown at them.

I can’t speak to anything else, but it’s just saying that if you’re Kellyanne Clownway you can’t profit off of certain things, but the president can because all presidents previous had divested any business holdings. The executive needs to have that written out. If he is trying to do some kind of dumb pump and dump, then I figure he’s doing it with a proxy. But nothing matters on that yet. As said above, it’s probably why he doesn’t want his financial records coming out.

People should be much more concerned about major hidden real estate deals, especially in foreign countries. That’s where he’s likely gaining much of his new money.

You can throw the book, but he can pardon them.

Trump is def profiting off the Presidency. How is he not? Even Mueller is like “Yea, if he wasn’t the president, he’d be in jail.” His shitty followers with money LOVE that they pay for access. They proudly tell their friends “I went to Mar-a-Lago” for $200K a year or whatever the fuck the fee is. The rest of us laugh but it’s a status symbol to them. Just like being POTUS is a status symbol to the orange turd. There’s a reason Mooch was seen in the Hamptons at a Biden event. If Biden wins in 2020 you know Mooch will be on his staff trying to be the logical bridge from the Trump administration. It’s all Bullshit.

It’s like if a Yankee fan paid $500 to go to dinner with the Yankees. They meet Mariano for 2 seconds, get a selfie, and spend the rest of their lives telling everyone they ate dinner with Mariano Rivera. Just like Trump tells the world that the G7 group kept asking how the fake media gets away with it. It’s all just a matter of degrees.

Trump is basically getting all the benefits of being president w/o paying for anything.

Hot take: Trump isn’t profiting off the presidency because he’s made his brand toxic, he’s a terrible businessman, and he doesn’t understand the job or what he could actually do. He’s trying like hell to profit, but he’s just not very good at it. He’s kinda telling the truth that’s it’s cost him money, but that’s no different from his other business endeavors.

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I think Jared and Ivanka made something like $800 million from the Presidency so far. I can’t remember how accurate this number is, but seem to remember reading/hearing it somewhere. So, I think even Dumb Donny is royally profiting from it.

I hope the global community is looking forward to the luxury of Doral in 2020

I legitimately think Saudi Arabia and Russia are straight up bribing and blackmailing him.

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Macron cannot even avoid a predictable fire in a church that is part of the world’s heritage, and he wants to give us lessons for our country?" Mr Lorenzoni added